Test suite failed to run Configuration error: Could not locate module @/pages/configurations/components/ mapped as: /home/user/git/my_project/client/src/pages/configurations/components/. Please check your configuration for these entries: { "moduleNameMapper": { "/^@\/(.*)$/": "/home/user/...
"moduleNameMapper": { "/@tarojs\/components/": "@tarojs/components/dist-h5/react" }, "resolver": undefined } 期望结果 运行test pass 实际结果 Test suite failed to run Configuration error: Could not locate module @tarojs/components mapped as: @tarojs/components/dist-h5/react. Please check ...
FAIL test/unit/specs/components/ui/MessageUI.spec.js Test suite failed to run Configuration error: Could not locate module @/components/ui/MessageUi (mapped as /home/circleci/repo/src/components/ui/MessageUi) Please check:"moduleNameMapper": {"/^@\/(.*)$/":"/home/circleci/repo/src/$...
Couldnotlocatemodule@/components/HelloWorld.vue mapped as: XXX\jest-vue\src\components/HelloWorld.vue. Please check your configurationforthese entries: {"moduleNameMapper": {"/^@\/(.*)$/":"XXX\fe-aut-test\jest-vue\src\$1"} 报错原因: 可能因为我的vue-cli版本不对,就会产生这种错误: 组件删...
【Android Gradle 插件】Gradle 映射文件 ( settings.gradle 映射为 Settings 类 | build.gradle 映射为...
Note that unlike the type-checking rules in@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin, the rules here will fallback to doing nothing if type information is not available, meaning it's safe to include them in shared configs that could be used on JavaScript and TypeScript projects. ...
A transformer is a module that will provide a synchronous function for transforming source files. For instance, if you want to be able to use a new language feature in your modules or tests that is not supported by node yet, you could plug in one of many compilers that compile a future...
Note that unlike the type-checking rules in @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin, the rules here will fallback to doing nothing if type information is not available, meaning it's safe to include them in shared configs that could be used on JavaScript and TypeScript projects. Also note that unb...
在我的 Bare 项目中使用测试和模块映射器从 Expo 47 更新到 50 后遇到问题。从日志中发出文本: 失败src/features/Loan/Create/Lend/components/Checked/index.test.tsx ● 测试套件运行失败 Configuration error: Could not locate module mapped as: /Users/a.trofimenko/Documents/Work/ReactNativeProjects/zirtue...
jenkins で jest を通そうとしたら、下記のようなエラーが発生。 ● Test suite failed to run Configuration error: Could not locate module Core/api/server/BaseApi (mapped as /home/jenkins/workspace/bsr4b/BsrLib/src/js/core//api/server/BaseApi) ...