在我的 Bare 项目中使用测试和模块映射器从 Expo 47 更新到 50 后遇到问题。从日志中发出文本: 失败src/features/Loan/Create/Lend/components/Checked/index.test.tsx ● 测试套件运行失败 Configuration error: Could not locate module mapped as: /Users/a.trofimenko/Documents/Work/ReactNativeProjects/zirtue-...
当我尝试运行我的测试时,出现错误: Test suite failed to run Configuration error: Could not locate module @/pages/configurations/components/ mapped as: /home/user/git/my_project/client/src/pages/configurations/components/. Please check your configuration for these entries: { "moduleNameMapper": { "...
FAIL test/unit/specs/components/ui/MessageUI.spec.js Test suite failed to run Configuration error: Could not locate module @/components/ui/MessageUi (mapped as /home/circleci/repo/src/components/ui/MessageUi) Please check:"moduleNameMapper": {"/^@\/(.*)$/":"/home/circleci/repo/src/$...
Couldnotlocatemodule@/components/HelloWorld.vue mapped as: XXX\jest-vue\src\components/HelloWorld.vue. Please check your configurationforthese entries: {"moduleNameMapper": {"/^@\/(.*)$/":"XXX\fe-aut-test\jest-vue\src\$1"} 报错原因: 可能因为我的vue-cli版本不对,就会产生这种错误: 组件删...
相关平台 微信小程序 小程序基础库: 3.3.6 使用框架: React 复现步骤 npm run test后 Test suite failed to run Configuration error: Could not locate module @tarojs/components mapped as: @tarojs/components/dist-h5/react. Please check your configuration for thes
【Android Gradle 插件】Gradle 映射文件 ( settings.gradle 映射为 Settings 类 | build.gradle 映射为...
根据日志,我猜你的配置是/^components\/(.*)$/: "<rootDir>/src/components$1",这与你给定的...
This is a map from regular expressions to module names that allow you to stub out resources, such as images or styles with a single module.Modules that are mapped to an alias are by default unmockedt, regardless of whether you enable automocking or not.You should use <rootDir> string ...
好吧,我终于明白了。它可能不完美,但它的工作。@迈克'Pomax' Kamermans是正确的,但有一个失踪的一...