“The 29-year-old, who previously appeared as a judge on The Voice UK and Australia, is reported to be going up against several world renowned vocalists on Hunan TV’s The Singer 2018.”“这位29岁的歌手,曾在《英国之声》和《澳洲之声》中担任评委。据报道,她将在湖南卫视《歌手2018》节目中P...
The 29-year-old, who previously appeared as a judge on The Voice UK and The Voice Australia, is reported to be going up against several world renowned vocalists on Hunan TV’s The Singer 2018.这位29岁的歌手,曾经在《英国之声》和《澳大利亚之声》中当过评委。据报道,她将在湖南卫视《歌手2018...
音乐 00:00/00:00 自动 倍速 0 19 看了还会看 溯04MwuB2021年02月08日 mg95607456UTNX2019年03月09日 感谢经历57FYR2018年05月10日 行不行12ZUj2018年01月16日 结石姐超酷的音乐表演 16回复
But Jessie J, 30, decided that it was her turn to take part in a singing contest, as she joined Chinese show Singer, the country's X Factor equivalent as a competitor in early January. 一月份的早些时候,现年30岁的结石姐参加了中国的《歌手》节目,相当于她英国的《X音素》(The X Factor)真...
EP 2020-02-28 第4期:华晨宇邀好友左立助阵 The Singer 2020 EP 2020-03-06 第5期:华晨宇唱哭《我们》 The Singer 2020 EP 2025-02-12 EP 2-1 Who's The Murderer · Season of Memories Who's The Murderer · Season of Memories EP 2020-03-13 第6期:周深中俄双语“混搭风” The Singer 2020 ...
12日晚,湖南卫视《歌手》2018播出,汪峰、Jessie。singer。,《歌手》Jessie J国内大火 连央视都来点赞超强唱功
British pop star Jessie J is famous in her home country and elsewhere. She made new fans in China by becoming the first foreign (win) of Singer 2018, a popular TV singing contest on Hunan TV. Jessie J was happy about her win and explained why she appeared on the show "I said yes ...
Jessie J 《I Have Nothing》 - 《歌手2018》第2期 单曲純享版 The Singer 【歌手官方頻道】825 人观看 • 20 1月 2018年 0:36609 人赞过Energy of Music 324,998个粉丝 Energy Of Music | ГлавныйМузыкальныйПорталvk.com/energy_of_music ...
#JessieJ#歌手2018 vol.9,石女士@OfficialJessieJLive致敬席帝神曲《My Heart Will Go on》 二十周年,纯享版无损自压AAC附自制单曲版封面,DL度娘:/s/1sdUJ-XoxD2gDgTZfRorkuQ 通关密语:v6gf (Singer S2018E09 ft. Jessie J)你石凤体抱恙仍旧支教➕夺冠 ...