for (int i = 0; i < servers.size(); i++) { def server = servers.get(i) nodes["$server"] = { stage "Deploy to INT ($server)" node { sshagent(['SOME-ID']) { sh """ ssh ${server} <<END hostname /apps/ yum -y update-to my-app.noarch /apps/star...
sshCommand remote: deploy_server, command: "source /etc/profile; cd ${deploy_path}/service/asset/bin; chmod 755 *.sh; export deploy_name=${deploy_name};export deploy_ip=${deploy_ip}; export asset_port=${asset_port};export mysql_port=${mysql_port};export zk_port=${zk_port};export ...
当所有的嵌套条件都正确时,执行这个阶段,必须包含至少一个条件,例如:when { allOf { branch 'master'; environment name: 'DEPLOY_TO', value: 'production' } } anyOf 当至少有一个嵌套条件为真时,执行这个阶段,必须包含至少一个条件,例如:when { anyOf { branch 'master'; branch 'staging' } } 在进...
出现此错误的原因是语句def remote = [:]和后续赋值语句位于stage块之外。此外,由于声明性语法不支持...
deploy_esb.groovy(这是来自旧的构建流程,试图在管道中运行) import groovy.transform.ToString import groovy.transform.EqualsAndHashCode @EqualsAndHashCode @ToString class BarDeploy { String barFile String app String integrationServer } //parse csv ...
an initial continuous deliver pipeline - this will build the code, deploy to repository, install artifacts from repository on the target server and start the application there How should I contain all of the above builds into a single Jenkinsfile. Right now the only idea I have is to make ...
script{//根据选择的部署方式执行部署步骤runWrapper.runStepForEnv('部署','deploy-choice') } } } } } 上述Jenkinsfile文件可用于所有类型的项目构建,实际使用的时候一般还会用到以下三个Jenkins插件: Agent Server Parameter Plugin 用于选择构建的Agent服务器 ...
echo 'This is a deploy step' } } } post { failure{ script{ emailext attachLog: true, // 邮件模板这里的引号一定要注意写对(坑) body: '''${SCRIPT, template="groovy-html.template"}''', mimeType: 'text/html', charset:'UTF-8', ...
stage是流水线的一部分, 用于定义整个流水线的概念上不同的子集, 例如: "Build", "Test", 和 "Deploy", 他们被许多插件用于可视化或呈现Jenkins流水线状态/进展。 Step 一个单一的任务; 从根本上,步骤告诉Jenkins在一个 Pipeline 或 Project 中要做what。