如果 您 尝试 在 同一 Jenkins 服务 器 上 运行 两 个 作业 。 您 的 管道 应 如下 所 示 。
除了docker-compose up命令,我们也可以使用docker stack deploy 来启动容器,执行命令和控制台输出如下: 代码语言:javascript 复制 192:dockerdemo xxx$ docker stack deploy-c docker-compose.yml dockerdemoapplication1Ignoring deprecated options:expose:Exposing ports is unnecessary-services on the same network c...
-- Another sample, using keys to authenticate. <server> <id>siteServer</id> <privateKey>/path/to/private/key</privateKey> <passphrase>optional; leave empty if not used.</passphrase> </server> --> </servers> <!
Alternatively, if you have a servlet container that supports Servlet 2.4/JSP 2.0, such as Glassfish v2, Tomcat 5 (or any later versions), then you can run them as services, and deployjenkins.waras you would any other war file. For example, you could simply place the jenkins.war file in...
path-to-key: the path of id_rsa on jenkins server 通过ssh登录到serverB的root用户 git文件传输到/root/data2下面,必须exists 1.2 post-build action source files: 从workspace/[free-style-name]目录下面开始算。 1. 先从git repo上pull代码到workspace ...
创建一个maven configuration,命令栏写deploy,运行会自动调用mvn deploy命令,注意pom.xml中添加相应的编译发布插件。 3、nexus配置 上面谈到了nexus私服的用法,下面写一下nexus的配置 先看一下,正常配置完成后,nexus如图所示,右上角显示的是admin,即使用admin/admin123登录后的界面,即要使用全部配置功能需要先点击右上...
During Jenkins installation and deployment, the Docker commands have been configured in the container (see 9). Therefore, no additional configuration is required for inte
jenkinsci/jenkinsor any other git repository containing the Jenkins code to be released. jenkinsci/packagingcontains tools and configuration to package Jenkins for OS distribution [Debian, Red Hat, SUSE, MSI, WAR] jenkins-infra/chartcontains the Helm chart used to deployrelease.ci.jenkins.ioon to...
Select theShell Scripttask and selectAdd. TheShell Scripttask provides the configuration for a script to run on each server in order to install Node.js and start the app. ForScript Path, enter$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/Fabrikam-Node/deployscript.sh. ...
Mention the steps required to install Jenkins. Hide Answer Step 1: Install Java Step 2: Install the Apache Tomcat server Step 3: Download the war file in Jenkins Step 4: Deploy this file 5. What commands can start Jenkins? Hide Answer ...