await loadCmd(`git commit -a -m 'init'`, '执行git commit') await loadCmd(`git push --set-upstream origin master`, '执行git push') } await loadCmd(`npm install`, '安装依赖') } catch (err) { console.log(symbol.error,'初始化失败')); console.log(symbol.error, chalk....
ENV1 = "env1_1" // 覆盖environment{}块创建的环境变量 BUILD_NUMBER = "666" // 可以覆盖以`env.VARIABLE_NAME`方式赋值的环境变量。 } steps { println "ENV1 = ${env.ENV1}"; println "BUILD_NUMBER = ${env.BUILD_NUMBER}"; script { env.MY_VERSION = "2.0" // env.MY_VERSION会被覆盖...
NODE_LABELS=built-inGIT_URL= HUDSON_HOME=/var/lib/jenkins NODE_NAME=built-inJOB_DISPLAY_URL= gitlabBranch=main...
例如我们在 stage1中 利用 script 代码块 设置赋值了一个 变量,然后想在 stage2中使用。应该怎么操作呢? 你不能重写在environme...
Evaluated Groovy script gives you possibility to set environment variable based on result of executed command: with execute method: return [HOSTNAME_SHELL: 'hostname'.execute().text, DATE_SHELL: 'date'.execute().text, ECHO_SHELL: 'echo hello world!'.execute().text ] or with explicit Gr...
script { env. [variable name] = "[variable value]" } Finally, using awithEnv([]) {}block sets a local environment variable as part of a scripted pipeline: withEnv(["[variable name]= [variable value]"]) As an example, this code uses all three methods outlined above in a single pipel...
1 How to use environment variables in a Jenkins pipeline job? 1 How to use Jenkins Node Environment Variables in a Pipeline script? 29 How to set environment variables in a Jenkins Scripted Pipeline? 0 Access custom environment variable from Jenkins file 1 How can I pass environment variables...
secrets init.groovy.d workflow-libs scriptler config-history Tips: jenkins存放数据不依靠数据库所以在移植时只需要拷贝整个程序主目录即可,需要注意的是jobs和plugins目录比较重要 Docker 安装 描述: 使用容器化的方式部署 Jenkins Master 节点,可以选择自行构建镜像,推荐使用 Jenkins 官方提供的镜像。 Jenkins 服务官...
int sleepTime=10// Set thesleeptimebetween attemptsinseconds String readyReplicasJsonPath=".status.readyReplicas"for(int i=1;i<=attempts;i++){// Check the deployment status String statusCheck=sh(script:"kubectl get deployment${deploymentName}--namespace=${namespace}-o jsonpath=\"{${readyReplic...
script { checkout scm: [ $class:'GitSCM',branches: [[name: env.branchName]],extensions: [[$class: 'CloneOption',depth: 1,noTags: false,shallow: true]],userRemoteConfigs: [[credentialsId: 'xxxx',url: env.gitHttpURL]]] } }