解决:在Jenkins --> Manage Jenkins --> Configurate System下,增加一个Environment Variable,健:GRADLE_USER_HOME,值:C:/Users/someuser,同时在Windows的环境变量里也添加一个同样的。 5.6打包错误,报Gradle失败。 解决方法:找到sdk路径build-tools文件夹,删除29.0.0版本(UE4.24版本不支持该版本打包,可能是ue bug...
配置环境变量: 在构建步骤中使用环境变量: echo "Using environment variable: ${ENV_VAR}" 3.4 构建作业示例 以下是一个完整的自由风格项目配置示例,包括源码管理、构建触发器、构建步骤和构建后操作。 示例项目配置 创建项目: 名称:SampleProject 类型:自由风格项目 配置源码管理: 类型:Git 仓库URL:https://github...
Jenkins默认的构建版本号只是简单的构建总次数,不包含有年月日及当日构建次数等信息,可勾选“Create a formatted version number”选项自定义所需要的构建版本号。 Environment Variable Name:填写一个合适的名称,此名称可作为全局环境变量被引用; Version Number Format String:填写自定义的格式化构建版本号,如${JOB_NA...
2.自定义环境变量 描述: 当 pipeline 变得复杂时,我们就会有定义自己的环境变量的需求。声明式 pipeline 提供了environment 指令,方便自定义变量。 另外environment 指令可以在pipeline中定义,代表变量作用域为整个 pipeline;也可以在 stage 中定义,代表变量只在该阶段有效。 Tips : 如果在environment中定义的变量与env中...
3. Set Environment Variables Windows Open the Control Panel and navigate to “System and Security” -> “System” -> “Advanced system settings” -> “Environment Variables”. In the “System variables” section, click on “New” to create a new variable. ...
*"${JENKINS_AGENT_NAME}"*) echo "Warning: AGENT_NAME is defined twice in command-line arguments and the environment variable" ;; *) OPT_JENKINS_AGENT_NAME="${JENKINS_AGENT_NAME}" ;; esac fi #TODO: Handle the case when the command-line and Environment variable contain different values....
jenkins的作用如下图所示:自动去git上拉取代码,然后构建打包生成jar包,然后部署。实现持续集成CI,持续部署CD。 GitLab安装使用 官方网站:https://about.gitlab.com/ 安装所需最小配置 内存至少4G https://docs.gitlab.cn/jh/install/requirements.html ...
Check host SSH keyhostKeyCheckingToggle checking of the host key. Sets the environment variableANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING, similar to the recommendations for running with Vagrant. Unbuffered stdoutToggle buffering of standard out. Sets the environment variablePYTHONUNBUFFERED, similar to the recommendations...
jenkins_aws_secret_key # Add additional environment variables # jenkinsgcp: ## Use this key for GCP credentials # gcpcredentials: credentials.json env: [] # Example environment variable required for AWS credentials chain # - name: "AWS_REGION" # value: "us-east-1" resources: requests: memo...
This plugin allows you to define a matrix build axis that is dynamically populated from an environment variable: Creates an axis based on a local Selenium grid and also build against the SauceLabs Selenium capability at the same time. Both components rebuild before each build to take advantage ...