1、新建任意一个Job; 2、增加一个Build Step,选择Execute shell: 3、点击输入框下方的“ See the list of available environment variables”: Jenkins查看内置环境变量 即可看到所有的内置变量(2.164.2版本): The following variables are available to shell scripts BRANCH_NAME For a multibranch project, this w...
SMTP server :发送邮件的服务器 Default user E-mail suffix:默认邮箱后缀(如果配置了这个后面的邮箱就不用写后缀了) default content type:设置邮件发送的格式:文本格式或者html格式 Use List-ID Email Header:设置邮件的发送的名称(便于过滤) Default Recipients:设置默认的收件人 Reply To List:设置默认回复列表 Em...
In this example, we are setting theDATEandNAMEenvironment variables declaratively.DATEis at the top of the pipeline and can be used in every stage, whileNAMEis in the"Env Variables"stage, so we can only use it within that stage. TheWEBSITEvariable is set imperatively, andTEST_VARIABLEis a...
让Jenkins 能够识别JDK和 Maven环境的命令 Manage Jenkins -> Configure system ->全局属性,勾选 Environment variables键值对列表添加: 键JAVA_HOME,值/usr/local/jdk1.8.0_171 键M2_HOME ,值/usr/ local/ maven 键PATH+EXTRA ,值$M2_HOME/bin 1. 2. 3. 修改Maven的settings. xml mkdir / root/repo #...
...向下游传递的参数的名称必须要和下游任务的参数名称一样 或者参数名称是系统环境变量的参数(the list of available environment variables) ,不然下游job接收不到该参数的值...在终端窗口里使用curl -X POST方式进行访问 (单引号或双引号都可以),访问后,会自动触发jenkins界面里对应的任务执行(注意:必须是POST...
{commit} # timeout=10CheckingoutRevision eacde33e2e2ca4b80ed81d6f2fef9736f46cbdf0 (refs/remotes/origin/main)> git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10> git checkout -f eacde33e2e2ca4b80ed81d6f2fef9736f46cbdf0 # timeout=10Commit message:"Update Jenkinsfile"> git rev-list --no-...
environment variables:设置全局变量,在这里定义的全局变量可以在构建或者发送邮件时引用 tool locations:设置全局工具,可以把需要的工具都在这里进行配置,比如maven,ant,jdk等 Help make Jenkins better by sending anonymous usage statistics and crash reports to the Jenkins project:这就是帮助jenkinsXXXXX ...
解决方法: 在系统管理–>系统设置,增加”全局属性”,勾选Environment variables,增加键值对列表。 其中,PATH是固定的,值是在终端输入:$echo $PATH命令获取,将输入命令后得到的值粘贴过来就可以了。 2. ruby_executable_hooks: No such file or directory ...
The following variables are available to shell and batch build steps: BRANCH_NAME For a multibranch project, this will be set to the name of the branch being built, for example in case you wish to deploy to production from master but not from feature branches; if corresponding to some kind...
# Optional environment variables : # * JENKINS_JAVA_BIN : Java executable to use instead of the default in PATH or obtained from JAVA_HOME # * JENKINS_JAVA_OPTS : Java Options to use for the remoting process, otherwise obtained from JAVA_OPTS ...