A cinematic triumph for its groundbreaking visuals and dazzling performances, the 1982 sci-fi adventure flick Tron stars Jeff Bridges as Kevin Flynn, a renowned computer engineer who makes the troubling discovery that a higher-up at his company has been stealing his work; when he attempts to hac...
Jeff Bridges had to defeat lymphoma before he could finish filming FX’s new thriller,The Old Man. That’s one of the main reasons why the series has taken three years to make it to television. In the new trailer, Bridges portrays Dan Chase, a former CIA operative who got out of the ...
Jeff Bridges’ “The Dude” Ensemble from ‘The Big Lebowski’ to Hit Auction Block The sale is part of Julien’s Auctions and TCM Present: Hollywood Legends and will be rolled out with a portion of the proceeds to benefit Share Our Strength’s No Kid Hungry campaign. ...
Jeff Bridges, amateur paparazzo, is sifting through a stack of photos in the sunny living room of his rented house in Bel Air. He’s been clicking pics on the sets of his movies for more than 15 years — big, glossy, black-and-white snapshots taken with a Widelux camera — and right...
Bridges's breakthrough role came in 1971 with the film The Last Picture Show, which earned him an Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actor. This debut marked the beginning of a series of critically acclaimed performances in films such as Starman, The Big Lebowski, and Crazy Heart. ...
(TV Mini-series) - Self (2 episodes, 2020) Time Warp: The Greatest Cult Films of All-Time- Vol. 2 Horror and Sci-Fi (五月 19, 2020) Season 1, Episode 2 - Self Time Warp: The Greatest Cult Films of All-Time- Vol. 1 Midnight Madness (四月 21, 2020) Season 1, Episode 1 ...
Jeff Bridges chats with ET's Rachel Smith at the 58th annual CMA Awards, airing on ABC and streaming on demand and Hulu on Nov. 21. The actor, who's presenting Entertainer of the Year, shares which country music artists he's been playing on repeat this y
More recently, Bridges picked up the lead role in the upcoming FX on Hulu seriesThe Old Man. The show will follow Bridges as Dan Chase, a former intelligence officer who is forced to step out of retirement when he is targeted for assassination. Jon Lithgow, Amy Brenneman, Alia Shawkat, an...
Bridges added that while he has a “serious disease” he feels “fortunate” to have a “great team of doctors.” He said he is starting treatment and will keep everyone “posted” on his recover. “The prognosis is good” he noted. Ever the benevolent El Duderino, he even took the ti...
” Panelists include filmmakers and talent from the film: director Joe Kosinski, producersSean BaileyandSteven Lisberger, and cast membersJeff Bridges(Kevin Flynn),Garrett Hedlund(Sam Flynn),Olivia Wilde(Quorra),Michael Sheen(Castor), andBruce Boxleitner(Alan Bradley). The discussion, moderated by...