the 1982 sci-fi adventure flick Tron stars Jeff Bridges as Kevin Flynn, a renowned computer engineer who makes the troubling discovery that a higher-up at his company has been stealing his work; when he attempts to hack into the system, Flynn is transported inside the digital world where he...
Putting aside fantastic comedic performances like inThe Big Lebowski, orsci-fi turns as seen inStarman, what follows is a look at every single Western Jeff Bridges has been in throughout his career, starting with the so-so and ending with the greats. His versatility as an actor and seeming...
Gabourey Sidibe/Jeff Goldblum/Kevin Bridges/Pendulum (五月 28, 2010) Season 18, Episode 18 - Self - Guest Episode #14.3 (一月 25, 2008) Season 14, Episode 3 - Self - Guest Buzz: at&T Original Documentaries (2010) (TV Series) - Self (1 episode, 2010) Inside USA's "Law & Or...
Jeff Bridges’ “The Dude” Ensemble from ‘The Big Lebowski’ to Hit Auction Block The sale is part of Julien’s Auctions and TCM Present: Hollywood Legends and will be rolled out with a portion of the proceeds to benefit Share Our Strength’s No Kid Hungry campaign. ...
Jeff Bridges, a household name in the Hollywood film industry, boasts an impressive acting career that spans over six decades. With his first on-screen appearance as an infant in the 1951 film The Company She Keeps, Bridges's path to stardom was seemingly predetermined. Born on December 4, ...
Bridges has had a relatively quiet last couple of years. He was last seen in 2018’sBad Times at the El Royale.Bridges is an impressive seven time Oscar nominee and one time winner, for 2010’sCrazy Heart.His most recent nomination came in 2017 for his supporting performance inHell or Hi...
Jeff Bridges is going to have the happiest holiday season of all this year, as he has not one but two big movies out in theaters for Christmas. We’ve already talked aboutTRON: Legacy, which is currently rockin’ and rollin’ at the box office, and this week we get a second helping ...
” Panelists include filmmakers and talent from the film: director Joe Kosinski, producersSean BaileyandSteven Lisberger, and cast membersJeff Bridges(Kevin Flynn),Garrett Hedlund(Sam Flynn),Olivia Wilde(Quorra),Michael Sheen(Castor), andBruce Boxleitner(Alan Bradley). The discussion, moderated by...
Who is Jeff Greene? Jeff Greene is an American real estate entrepreneur. He is a member of the Democratic Party and was a candidate in the 2010 Senate election primaries in Florida. He was a candidate in the 2018 Florida Gubernatorial election, but was eliminated in the pr...
Gabourey Sidibe/Jeff Goldblum/Kevin Bridges/Pendulum (五月 28, 2010) Season 18, Episode 18 - Self - Guest Episode #14.3 (一月 25, 2008) Season 14, Episode 3 - Self - Guest Buzz: at&T Original Documentaries (2010) (TV Series) - Self (1 episode, 2010) Inside USA's "Law & Or...