We built Atom Amp 2 for those who demand more. Atom Amp 2 is like Atom Amp+ on steroids. It's housed in an aluminum chassis with an easier to grip kno…
新款 JDS Labs Atom Amp 2 和 Atom DAC 2 具有增强的电源、直流保护和设计。JDS Labs Atom Amp 2 采用全金属机箱,经久耐用,美观大方。它包括一个更人性化的旋钮,并具有 4.4 毫米和 6.35 毫米 SE 输出。Amp 2 配备直流保护和立体声八通道缓冲器,功率为 2.6 瓦,是 Atom Amp+ 的 2.5 倍。Atom...
JDS atom AMP 2! All you Need! JDS Labs - Atom 2 Amp & DAC Review Sound Matters | Atom Phono: Phono Preamp and EQ in One. Press Audio Science Review The Atom We have arrived at the golden age of headphone amplification folks. What JDS Labs Atom delivers for just $99 is astonishing...
前级:ATOM 夜深人静的时候就关了音响,插上耳机,这时候atom就从前级变成了耳放,这点很方便。 这是我在宿舍的一套,推我手上有的塞子和大耳是通杀了。 耳机:er4sr/er4b/n5005/HD650 解码:smsl 10th 耳放:ATOM 转盘:LG G7或者插电脑上 要是懒或者预算原因的话用3.5对录线插手机上就行了,G7的解码能力比...
JDS Labs A..很多人玩hifi会遇到预算不够的问题,买了6、7千的耳机但只剩下了2、3千块,应该如何购入DAC和耳放是一大难题,而ATOM的出现就非常好地解决了耳放上的痛点,只要99美元,对,你没看错,只要99美元
JDS Labs A..体积只比Chord Hugo宽了一些,对于爱桌面简洁或者空间不够的人来说非常友好。Atom还可以当前级来推一些书架箱,搭配 Hugo/Mojo 可以组一套非常小型的桌面系统。但是对于烧友来说,设备的体
不过轻便的设计也有缺点,过轻的重量导致底面的摩擦力不够,每次插拔耳机头的时候必须要把Atom摁在桌子上。据绿坛坛友说可以发邮件给JDS Labs要求增加配重铅块。 怎么有一只人工智障? 全身塑料的设计也让它看起来更像一个电视盒子。顶部的盖板非常容易积灰和粘指纹。而国外吐槽比较多的音量转扭我觉得还好。虽说是塑...
JDS uses cookies to improve the experience on this site. To review how we use cookies, view our privacy policy and terms pages JDS Labs Shop Support About Reviews More Cart 0 ATOM AMP + DAC 2 More Power. All Metal. Popular ATOM 2 Bundle Element IV Reviews More customer love...
which is all the more fitting now that we are examining the successor of the Objective2, the JDS Labs Atom standalone DAC and separate amplifier, with the two combined having become one of the most recommended stacks for consumer audio. Thanks to JDS Labs for providing TechPowerUp review ...