My Objective 2 works great, and looks good to. Dropped some coin on a nice little Topping rack for it on Amazon. Thanks so much again JDS! I'm getting a lot of compliments on the sound and look of the amp Nathan Kwong Whenever I would connect my DAC/AMP’s USB input to my comput...
I just received my JDS Atom and am planning on using my Scarlett 2i2 as a dac like you did. this cable work? Also, will there be a loss in sound quality when using this...
Version 1.x.x firmware is now obsolete, and has been replaced by v2.x for Atom DAC+, EL DAC II+, and Element III. The information below is archived for reference: UAC2 / UAC1:Element II, EL DAC II, and Atom DAC are intended to take advantage of USB Audio Class 2 drivers...