After the TV is done being reset, it will start up again. Install the apps you use and link the TV back up to your Wi-Fi network. Check to see if the speeds are back to what they should be. Restart Your Router If working on the TV doesn’t seem to fix the internet slowdowns,...
The speaker is great BUT the voice assistant doesn't work! I have two other JBL Link speakers (one bought from the same supplier) and they are great. But this one won't connect properly. I've factory reset it about 15 times, created a new Google Home account, contacted JBL for suppor...
JBL has earned a reputation for excellent concert speakers and studio monitors on the professional side, but I can’t say that I’ve seen this quality trickle-down to their consumer products. The longer I use the JBLBAR51, the more I find that this ~$500 USD soundbar’s behavior seems ...
9月29日才返修回来,但直接给了我一个二手的旧的,外包装皱皱巴巴,蓝牙耳机充电盒上还有明显划痕,我之前自己用的虽然没保护套但很爱惜,一直和新的一样,问了上海维修站他们说是属于正常情况,又给JBL官方打电话说让我找淘宝商家处理,但淘宝让我找 分享6赞 walkman吧 卡迪拉克几个 A45连接蓝牙音响JBL LINK20 配对...
u&&c){var t=["/browserLinkSignalR/","/__browserLink/"];e[Tf]((function(e){if(c&&e.baseType===Ol[ef]){var n=e.baseData;if(n)for(var r=0;r=0)return!1}return!0})),u=!0}}()}(w,T),(n=new jf(e[nf](),"trackEvent")).action=function(t,n,r,a,i){a||(a={}...
[y.9] DC Link Voltage 0.0 [y.10] Motor Current 000.0 [y.11] Motor Voltage 单位 说明 故障细目(参见故障代码表) 表示使用过的电机 表示故障发生时控制法 rpm 表示故障发生时速度给定值 rpm 表示故障发生时电机速度 Hz 表示故障发生时输出频率 ℃ 表示故障发生时散热器的温度 Nm Vdc Arms Vrms 表示...
[y.9] DC Link Voltage 0.0 [y.10] Motor Current 000.0 [y.11] Motor Voltage 单位 说明 故障细目(参见故障代码表) 表示使用过的电机 表示故障发生时控制法 rpm 表示故障发生时速度给定值 rpm 表示故障发生时电机速度 Hz 表示故障发生时输出频率 ℃ 表示故障发生时散热器的温度 Nm Vdc Arms Vrms 表示...