JBL TUNE 500bt wont connect.Ok so basically I've been using this JBL tune 500bt headphones for a while and it worked perfectly for me. But now I can connect it to bluetooth. I tried nearly everything. Factory reset of bluetooth, factory reset of headphones, resetting bluetooth module etc...
How to reset Tune 500/600 BT Headphone In order to reset the headphones: Long Press of volume + and volume - at the same time while the unit is on. Make sure that bluetooth is NOT on and connected to any device. When reseting, LED will blink faster. Learn More Is it possible...
分享51 回音壁吧 jason123215 求助帖 国行JBLBAR 9.1 重置后无法连接蓝牙和WIFI前几天发现手机连接蓝牙无法正常播放音乐,联系客服无果,楼主遂自行动手尝试解决问题 重置设置长按输入+电源后 屏幕显示reset并回到 TV模式 之后尝试设置wifi,却发现小程序搜不到音响,蓝牙也找不到 (ios 安卓都试过了) 同理Google HOME...