cp后面的数字是python版本 要选你自己对应的(自行百度--查看python版本);下面那些长名字的是有cuda支持的(gpu),这里我用的是上面那些cpu版本的 此处要选择合适的版本:jaxlib" is the JAX version numbe...
GPU驱动版本不兼容:JAX jaxlib GPU版本可能需要特定的GPU驱动版本才能正常工作。在安装JAX之前,建议检查并更新您的GPU驱动程序到最新版本,并确保与JAX jaxlib GPU版本兼容。 CUDA版本不匹配:JAX jaxlib GPU版本依赖于CUDA加速库。如果您的CUDA版本与JAX jaxlib GPU版本不匹配,可能会导致安装失败。请确保您的CUDA版本与J...
pip install —upgrade pip pip install —upgrade jax[cpu]请注意,这些pip命令不适用于Windows系统,并且可能会静默失败。如果你需要同时支持CPU和NVIDIA GPU的JAX版本,则需要首先安装CUDA和CuDNN(如果尚未安装)。与其他一些流行的深度学习系统不同,JAX没有将CUDA或CuDNN捆绑为pip软件包的一部分。因此,在安装JAX之前,...
Composable transformations of Python+NumPy programs: differentiate, vectorize, JIT to GPU/TPU, and more - jax/jaxlib/jax.bzl at main · jax-ml/jax
我遵循objax文档来安装带有GPU支持的库:pip install --upgrade objaxpip install -f jaxlib==`python3 -c 'import jaxlib; print(jaxlib.我收到以下错误消息: 错误:无法找到满足<e 浏览16提问于2022-08-24得票数 0 回答已采纳 ...
Composable transformations of Python+NumPy programs: differentiate, vectorize, JIT to GPU/TPU, and more - GitHub - google/jax at jaxlib-v0.1.47
Windows CPU-only wheels were first added in0.4.13,unofficialones existed for versions0.4.9—0.4.11, Python 3.8–3.11 Windows unofficial GPU wheels are still at0.4.11, with Python 3.9–3.11 for CUDA 11.8 and Python 3.10–3.11 for CUDA 12.1 ...
Needs either either a TPU or GPU (NVIDIA/AMD only). They have to be 8 devices. Sorry, something went wrong. Copy link arunrascommentedMar 17, 2024• edited Hello everyone. I've tried to run the pip install, but I'm facing the following error: ...
Summary: Composable transformations of Python+NumPy programs: differentiate, vectorize, JIT to GPU/TPU, and more Development: Current build status Azure VariantStatus linux_64_c_compiler_version12cuda_compilercuda-nvcccuda_compiler_version12.0cxx_compiler_version12numpy2.0pyth...