3. To get the cursor position, call the plugin with your textarea selector. varcursor_position=$('#text').caret();console.log("Cursor position is: "+cursor_position); 4. To set the cursor position use the following syntax. Pass the value of your desired position in number. $('#text...
alert("You must get cursor position first.") } if (textarea.setSelectionRange) { // W3C textarea.focus(); textarea.setSelectionRange(rangeData.start, rangeData.end); } else if (textarea.createTextRange) { // IE var oR = textarea.createTextRange(); // Fixbug : // In IE, if cu...
}</script></head><body><formid="tipper"><textareaid="textariffic"cols="50">Aliquam urna. Nullam augue dolor, tincidunt condimentum, malesuada quis, ultrices at, arcu. Aliquam nunc pede, convallis auctor, sodales eget, aliquam eget, ligula. Proin nisi lacus, scelerisque nec, aliquam ...
标准dom range对象(以下称dom rang)和ie的TextRange对象(以下称TextRange),在操作模式上有很大区别,可以说dom range是基于dom结构控制的,TextRange是基于文本节点字节控制的,阅读下面示例会更好理解这二者的操作模式。以下所说的range对象是 指在html结构中进行选择和更改(designMode=on contentEditable=true状态下)操作...
Actually we want to insert the image at the cursor position and not the mouse location. We have a custom image picker control which will insert the selected image where the cursor was pre...
To be precise, the cursor is thetexttype cursor on which these properties work. And so, we only get the position of the horizontal part, and the calculation is dependent on the character counts. So let’s check how it works. Code Snippet: ...
Getting and Setting Cursor Position in TextBox Getting client hardware ID Getting Column (Cell) value in jqGrid Getting ID info from an iFrame getting radio button group in code behind Getting Server control Id with JavaScript code... Getting Session Timeout in Javascript Getting the value of ...
这个是基本功能了,先看看GetPercent获取百分比程序,这个百分比就是滑块左边距离跟滑动区域的比例: return this._horizontal ? this.Bar.offsetLeft / (this.Container.clientWidth - this.Bar.offsetWidth) : this.Bar.offsetTop / (this.Container.clientHeight - this.Bar.offsetHeight) ...
initBdMap(); }) } } </script> <style lang="scss"> .tabClickA { position: absolute; top: 20px; right: 20px; display: flex; z-index: 1000; cursor: pointer; .tabList { width: 93px; height: 38px; background: #53c9fc; color: #ffffff; font-size: 14px; text-align: center;...
text-align:center; /* 让子元素相对父元素定位 */ position: relative; } .box .detail{ /* 默认样式为隐藏 */ display:none; /* 让子元素相对父元素定位 */ position: absolute; right: -1px; top: 38px; z-index: -1; box-sizing: border-box; ...