smoothScroll('.fooBar'); 19.detectDeviceType:检测移动/PC设备 const detectDeviceType = () => /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ? 'Mobile' : 'Desktop'; 20.getScrollPosition:返回当前的滚动位置 默认参数为window,pageXOffset(pageYOffset)为第...
info += "flash插件情况:" + checkePlugs('Shockwave Flash') + ""; info += "是否有MediaPlayer:" + checkePlugs("MediaPlayer") + ""; info += "是否有realPlayer:" + checkePlugs("RealPlayer") + ""; info += "屏幕分辨率高度:" + window.screen.height + ""; info += "屏幕分辨率宽度...
doctype html> 现在在 body 标签中,我们包含了 header 和 main 语义标签。在 header 标签内,我们设置了项目的标题部分,这里只包括应用程序的名称和一个视频图标。 代码语言:javascript 复制 <ion-icon name="videocam"></ion-icon>Search Movies 在我们继续讲解 main 标签之前,在 body 标签的末尾,让我们包含所...
4 5 6 7 Click the checkbox 8 Click here to continue 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 paypal.Buttons({ 16 // onInit is called when the button first renders 17 onInit(data, actions) { 18 // Disable the buttons 19 actions
✅ Do: For production monitoring and development-time sanity check, run a single E2E test that visits all/most of the site pages and ensures no one breaks. This type of test brings a great return on investment as it's very easy to write and maintain, but it can detect any kind of ...
affix('checkPosition') Events Bootstrap's affix plugin exposes a few events for hooking into affix functionality. Event TypeDescription This event fires immediately before the element has been affixed. This event is fired after the element has been affixed. affix-...
6.If this interface returns an error code 2801 on the mini-program platform, please check the mini-program trusted domain configuration. API chat.login(options); Parameters Theoptionsparameter is of theObjecttype. It contains the following attribute values: ...
DOCTYPE html>JavaScript 条件语句示例检查年龄<pid="outputText">// JavaScript 代码functioncheckAge(){// 获取输入框的值varage=parseInt(document.getElementById("ageInput").value);// 判断年龄是否符合条件if(age>=18){document.getElementById("outputText").innerText="您已成年,可以参加活动!";}else{doc...
又快到周五啦,快来一起摸鱼呀!今天来看看JavaScript中的一些实用的工具函数,希望能帮助你提高开发效率!整理不易,如果觉得有用就点个赞吧! 实用工具函数.png 1. 数字操作 (1)生成指定范围随机数 代码语言:javascript 复制 exportconstrandomNum=(min,max)=>Math.floor(Math.random()*(max-min+1))+min;复制代...