String.Format("{0:0.#}", 0.0); // "0" String.Format("{0:#.0}", 0.0); // ".0" String.Format("{0:#.#}", 0.0); // "" 1. 2. 3. 4. 用空格对齐数字 右对齐:在”,“后不变。其次是数量的空格,例如类型逗号“0,10:0.0”(可以使用String.Format方法,在double.ToString方法不是)...
public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { double number = 123.456789; DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.00"); String formattedNumber = df.format(number); System.out.println(formattedNumber); // 输出:123.46 } } “` 2、使用String.format()方法: String.format()方法...
试试这个:String.format("%.2f", angle);
System.out.println(decimal.toString());//输出:9E-14System.out.println(decimal.toPlainString());//输出: 0.00000000000009System.out.println(decimalFormatNumberOfDecimalPlaces2.format(decimal));//输出:0.00Map<String, Object> map =newjava.util.HashMap<>(); ...
Java中StringFormat和MessageFormat的区别 MessageFormat.format() format string accepts argument positions (eg. {0}, {1}). Example: MessageFormat.format("This is year {0}!",1992) The developer doesn't have to worry about argument types, because they are, most often, recognized and formated ac...
2 decimal places with this.getstring 2 decimal place in java how to format decimal point in java print output to 2 decimal places java how to print only 6 decimal places in java how to print up to 3 decimal places in java float with 2 decimal places in java two decimal point in java...
We create a new instance of theDecimalFormat. We pass it a non-localized pattern string. The pattern defines a format for a decimal value with a dot followed by two decimal places. df.applyPattern("#.00"); We specify a new pattern withapplyPattern. This pattern adds zeros to decimal place...
Using Builder you can construct a Locale object that conforms to BCP 47 syntax. Constructors The Locale class provides three constructors: <blockquote>text/java 复制 {@link #Locale(String language)} {@link #Locale(String language, String country)} {@link #Locale(String language, String count...
public class Decimal { public static void main(String[] args) { double num = 1.34567; System.out.format("%.4f", num); } } Output 1.3457 In the above program, we've used the format() method to print the given floating-point number num to 4 decimal places. The 4 decimal places are...