首先,我们定义了一个静态方法roundToTwoDecimalPlaces,该方法接受一个double类型的参数number,并返回保留两位小数四舍五入后的结果。 在roundToTwoDecimalPlaces方法中,我们使用了Math.round方法将number乘以100后进行四舍五入,并将结果除以100.0得到保留两位小数四舍五入后的结果。 然后,我们在main方法中定义了一个doubl...
The program formats a double value in two formats. var df = new DecimalFormat("#.##"); We create a new instance of theDecimalFormat. We pass it a non-localized pattern string. The pattern defines a format for a decimal value with a dot followed by two decimal places. df.applyPattern("...
s.AppendLine(String.Format("Number Field (one decimal place): {0}", value)); value = Double.Parse(item["numberfield"].ToString()).ToString("F0"); s.AppendLine(String.Format("Number Field (two decimal places): {0}", value)); 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 设置和获取货币字段 货币字段使...
Each test case contains a char C (+,-,*, /) and two integers A and B(0<A,B<10000).Of course, we all know that A and B are operands and C is an operator. Output For each case, print the operation result. The result should be rounded to 2 decimal places If and only if ...
UsingBigDecimalclass is the recommended approachfor doing numerical operations in Java.BigDecimalis animmutableclass and provides operations for arithmetic, scale manipulation, rounding, comparison, hashing, and format conversion. TheBigDecimal.setScale()method takes two arguments. The first isscalei.e. ...
08.out.println("15.5 -> "+ currencyFormat.format(15.5)); 09.out.println("15.54 -> "+ currencyFormat.format(15.54)); 10.out.println("15.345 -> "+ currencyFormat.format(15.345));// rounds to two decimal places 11.printCurrencyDetails(currencyFormat.getCurrency()); ...
System.out.println(decimal.toString());//输出:9E-14System.out.println(decimal.toPlainString());//输出: 0.00000000000009System.out.println(decimalFormatNumberOfDecimalPlaces2.format(decimal));//输出:0.00Map<String, Object> map =newjava.util.HashMap<>(); ...
Admin Mar 10, 2024 Java-examples Java-examples #BigDecimal setScale method #How to Round BigDecimal to the nearest whole or integer value This tutorial is about how to round aBigDecimalvalue to n decimal places in Java. TheBigDecimalclass provides thesetScaleandroundmethods for achieving this. ...
123456.789 ###.## 123456.79 The value has three digits to the right of the decimal point, but the pattern has only two. The format method handles this by rounding up. 123.78 000000.000 000123.780 The pattern specifies leading and trailing zeros, because the 0 character is used instead of the...
Two types of operations are provided for manipulating the scale of a BigDecimal: scaling/rounding operations and decimal point motion operations. Scaling/rounding operations (#setScale setScale and #round round) return a BigDecimal whose value is approximately (or exactly) equal to that of the oper...