desc('valueFormatter', () => { it('should return value', () => { spyOn(utilService, 'dateFormatter').and.returnValue('TEST'); expect(valueFormatter({value: 'test'})).toEqual('TEST'); }) }); desc('tooltipValueGetter', () => { it('should return value', () => { spyOn(utilS...
I'm trying to spy a method which has been imported in my component. but getting the below error when we run the Test cases. Error: <spyOn> : openSnackbar is not declared writable or has no setter Also tried spyOnProperty() method but got...
I think it would be very useful to stop execution of a testcase if the beforeEach fails (i.e. throws an exception or similar). Example: precondition is used for login -> if the login does not succeed, it does not make any sense to run th...
Mocha is easy to set up and use, even for developers new to testing. It has a simple and intuitive syntax for writing test cases and comes with a command-line interface that makes it easy to run tests and view results. Mocha has a large and active community of developers who contribute...
Writing JavaScript Tests Using Jasmine Framework6/9/2020 10:54:23 AM. In this post, we will see how we can write unit test cases in JavaScript. AngularJS Unit Testing With Jasmine12/29/2015 2:32:11 AM. This article is intended to explain the concept of unit testing using Jasmine framew...
TestCaseAnalyzer Overview TestCaseAnalyzer is a Python application specifically tailored for Angular applications using Jasmine and Karma for testing. It parses and analyzes test case logs to extract failed test cases along with the reasons for their failure. The results are then written to a tempor...
i.e, to have youtube api support, run this command in terminal: npm i @types/youtube @types/gapi @types/ In some cases where your code editor doesn't support Typescript 2 yet or these types weren't listed intsconfig.json, add these to"src/custom-typings.d.ts"to make ...
docker exec -t -i angular-starter /bin/bash Netlify You can quickly create a free site to get started using this starter kit in production onNetlify: Assuming you have SonarQube 5.5.6 (LTS) installed Setup SonarQube with theSonar Typescript pluginand the Generic Test Coverage pluginhttps:/...
In some cases where your code editor doesn't support Typescript 2 yet or these types weren't listed in tsconfig.json, add these to "src/custom-typings.d.ts" to make peace with the compile check: import '@types/'; import '@types/gapi'; import '@types/youtube'; Custom ...
i.e, to have youtube api support, run this command in terminal: npm i @types/youtube @types/gapi @types/ In some cases where your code editor doesn't support Typescript 2 yet or these types weren't listed intsconfig.json, add these to"src/custom-typings.d.ts"to make ...