By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service and acknowledge you have read our privacy policy. Browse other questions tagged angular typescript unit-testing jasmine karma-runner or ask your own question. The Overflow Blog The creator of Jenkins discusses CI/CD ...
3 Karma-Jasmine: Unexpected request: GET ... No more request expected 1 Karma-Jasmine: Error: Unexpected request: POST 2 Angular Unit Test: Error: Unexpected request: GET 1 Angular Karma/Jasmine Unit Test not working 0 Getting error on angularJs unit testing using Karma and Jasmine 1...
我们仅仅需要稍稍修改 Karma配置文件,就可以运行了: ...frameworks:['parallel','jasmine'],plugins:["karma-jasmine","karma-chrome-launcher","karma-junit-reporter","karma-spec-reporter","karma-parallel"],parallelOptions:{executors:(Math.ceil(require('os').cpus().length/2)),shardStrategy:...
AngularJS最好的小伙伴儿KarmaJS test runner(一个能够在浏览器中运行测试同时生成结果日志的Node.js server)还有Jasmine(定义了你的测试和断言的语法的库)。我们使用Grunt-karma将karma集成在我们经典且繁重的grunt 工作流中,然后在浏览器中运行测试。这里值得注意的是,karma可以将测试运行在远程的云浏览器中,比如Sau...
Angular projects using the Angular CLI come with Jasmine and Karma to simplify and automate the testing process. Jasmine is a behavior-based testing framework you can use to write unit tests. You can then run the tests on Karma to verify if individual application parts are functioning correctly...
Learn to test real world angular application using JASMINE and KARMA. Student will learn how to do test coverage, mock dependencies and eventually write better code. Requirements Basic Understanding of Angular Basic JavaScript or TypeScript Knowledge ...
A tool called Karma is a JavaScript test runner created by the AngularJS team. Jasmine is the testing framework that we talked about in the getting started with unit testing for AngularJS post, and Karma provides helpful tools that make it easier to us to call our Jasmine tests whilst we ...
i am getting following error when running a unit test using karma and jasmine Error: Failed: Template parse errors: 'router-outlet' is not a known element: If 'router-outlet' is an Angular component, then verify that it is part of this m...
When you run tests in an Angular application using Karma (which runs tests in real browsers like Chrome) and Jasmine, here's what typically happens:, Karma will capture and display this error in your terminal or command prompt where you ran the npm run test. I hope this article is ...
Let’s learn about the current state of testing that comes with Angular and explore Karma, Jasmine, TestBed and Web Test Runner.