V-670能对应3200 nm的測定 扫描速度:10~8000nm/min(V-630),10~4000nm/min(V-650,660,670) 测光准确度:±0.002 Abs (0~0.5 Abs)、±0.003 Abs (0.5~1 Abs)、±0.3 %T(利用NIST SRM930检测) 经销商 除厂家/中国总经销商外,我们找不到 佳司科Jasco V-670紫外/可见/近红外分光光度计 的一般经销...
免费查询更多分光光度计 jasco v-670st详细参数、实时报价、行情走势、优质商品批发/供应信息等,您还可以发布询价信息。
The V-670 measures the spectrum of a sample over a wavelength range of 190 to 2700 nm (3200 nm - factory option). The single monochromator design reduces the number of mirrors needed to obtain high energy throughput resulting in better S/N ratio over the entire range. Full Line of Accesso...