V-670能对应3200 nm的測定 扫描速度:10~8000nm/min(V-630),10~4000nm/min(V-650,660,670) 测光准确度:±0.002 Abs (0~0.5 Abs)、±0.003 Abs (0.5~1 Abs)、±0.3 %T(利用NIST SRM930检测) 经销商 除厂家/中国总经销商外,我们找不到 佳司科Jasco V-670紫外/可见/近红外分光光度计 的一般经销...
The V-650 is a double-beam spectrophotometer with a photomultiplier tube detector. The high sensitivity of the photomultiplier tube detector enables accurate measurements of low concentration samples. By controlling the high voltage applied to the PM tube, the dynode feedback circuit allows a wider d...