Japanese words for fruits, vegetables, meat and seafood, dairy, rice, noodles, bread, drinks, Japanese and western dishes, snacks, and sweets.
Here are some basic words in Japanese that relate to food and drink: Asa-gohan (朝ご飯): Breakfast Hiru-gohan (昼ご飯): Lunch Yoru-gohan (夜ご飯): Dinner Gohan ( ご飯): Rice/Meal Pan (パン): Bread Niku (肉): Meat Sakana (魚): Fish Yasai (野菜): Vegetables ...
Japanese (Romaji) - Commonly Used Words Katakana 2010 JLPT N5 vocabular list from http://www.jlptstudy.com/N5/index.html 10JAA Kanji (WWHS) Year 7 Japanese Vocabulary for Body Parts 'Greetings' Genki handbook, p7 Year 7 Japanese Vocabulary for Adjectives ...
In the SENSEVAL-2 Japanese task, senses of Japanese words are defined with respect to differences from their English translations. The Translation Memory (TM) that has pairs of their Japanese expressions and their English translations included on target Japanese words can be treated as sense categori...
… sushi are tiny parcels of rice rolled up in seaweed that may or may not contain raw fish. "They're more of a sandwich format," says Stuart [Turner]. "I get so tired of people saying 'erh, raw fish' that I feel like having 'sushi is not raw fish' tattooed on my forehead."...
Junmai-shu: Pure-Rice Sake Non Junmai-shu 4. Sweet Sake and Dry Sake Japanese sake is also categorized by taste, with words such as "dry" (karakuchi) and "sweet" (amakuchi). There's also a standard known as san-do or acidity. ...
Mapping of Quantitative Trait Loci Conferring Blast Field Resistance in the Japanese Upland Rice Variety Kahei Many upland rice cultivars show higher levels of blast field resistance than do lowland cultivars. In this study, we performed a linkage mapping of quantit... M Miyamoto,M Yano,H Hirasa...
‘British’ here) with a Japanese twist that we’re all now mostly familiar with: thinkramen, thinkudon, thinksoba. Two of those are homespun Japanese words, but ramen comes from the Chinese for ‘to pull’ and ‘noodles’. And then there aregyozadumplings,yakitorichicken,edamamebeans, that...
These are hardly the right words to capture the mental and spiritual processes of a Japanese who, in Bikle's own words, was influenced by the "Buddhist's illuminist quest for inner purity through the repression of desire" (p. 62). Beginning with the title of the book itself, it is ...
9. Madame Sushi[マダム・スシ]: When giving a lecture during a visit to Washington, former defense minister Yuriko Koike said to the audience: "Some people call me the 'Japanese Rice' after Madame Secretary Rice. Why don't you call me 'Madame Sushi'?" In Japan, 'rice' means 'sushi...