寻求 替代 WIN XP 的操作系统 jiaxun09 3 六招保护好office文档 tongtong 1 Word文档打不开 tongtong 7 shift键帮你一次保存多个打开文件 tongtong 1 微软凭什么动我电脑里的东西?! tjw宝贝 4 接下来您可以 查看微软Japanese office 2003 prof. FPP
双击Word文档后出现-- 天极网友 1 微软筹划上网本版Office 价格将更实惠 我改名了 3 Office 14将带来更好的在线文档共享和编辑特性 我改名了 2 寻求 替代 WIN XP 的操作系统 jiaxun09 3 六招保护好office文档 tongtong 1 Word文档打不开 tongtong 7 shift键帮你一次保存多个打开文件 tongtong 1 微软凭什么动...
Edit Gets the text to display for this Japanese word. C# Copy public string DisplayText { get; } Property Value String The display text of this Japanese word. It is a sub-string of the Japanese string originally analyzed by JapanesePhoneticAnalyzer. Applies to ProductVersions WinRT Build 10...
The display text of this Japanese word. It is a sub-string of the Japanese string originally analyzed by JapanesePhoneticAnalyzer. Applies to מוצרגירסאות WinRT Build 10240, Build 10586, Build 14383, Build 15063, Build 16299, Build 17134, Build 17763, Build 18362...
DisplayText Gets the text to display for this Japanese word. IsPhraseStart Gets a Boolean that indicates if this Japanese word is the start of a phrase. YomiText Gets the "reading" (the pronunciation of DisplayText) for this Japanese word. Applies to ProductVersions WinRT Build 10240, Buil...
"MS-IME" "colstyle"="NATURAL" "deffont"="Microsoft Sans Serif" "deffontsize"=dword:00000009 "deffont_alwaysuse"=dword:00000000 "CommentDelay"=dword:0000012c "ShowWordComment"=dword:00000001 "ShowCharComment"=dword:00000001 "shiftmode"=dword:00000000 "NonKanjiCandidate"=dword:00010003 "Trigger"...
Reads a Japanese string that is a combination of Kanji characters and Hiragana characters, and returns a collection of proper readings from the string with word breaks. Applies to ProductVersions WinRT Build 10240, Build 10586, Build 14383, Build 15063, Build 16299, Build 17134, Build 17763, ...
Mac | Win ProductExamples UserInterface Demos/Update Mac | Windows Info PagesDesktop | iOS | Android | iPad Moku Hanga—Japanese Wood Block Printing Effect The Moku Hanga app, Moku the Japanese word for 'wood' and hanga known as 'print', allows you to create an artistic wood-block print ...
A Windows version word processor software, which is designed for both Japanese and English languages. It is also an ideal tool for Japanese learning and teaching with powerful dictionary functions. Main Features:- Type, edit, format, convert and print Japanese documents; - Instant English-Japanese...
This following list shows the POS codes that you can use when creating a dictionary source file for Japanese IME 3.1: Noun Nouns are a part of speech used to specify the name of a person, place, or thing. The word in this part of speech can be an object or subject in sentence. ...