Thank you so much for all your hard work -- the symbols are just what I was looking for. Your attention to detail, perseverance and exceedingly polite customer service in supplying me with exactly the right file format are unparalleled. You are a true professional in every sense of the wor...
Japan’s Words of the Year for 2024 Culture Nov. 5, 2024 Display more A Journey Through Japanese Haiku Death at the Temple Culture Dec. 16, 2024 The End of the Wind Culture Dec. 9, 2024 Reading in the Rain Culture Nov. 25, 2024 ...
What word means divine wind in Japanese?The Supernatural and Natural:There was a time in history, and perhaps is still the case for some societies, that natural phenomena were believed to be caused by supernatural beings or that the phenomena itself were some sort of deity. People gave names...
Yama is the Japanese word for mountain, and Terayama is the name of a Japanese family, but a Buddhist temple is never called a "TERAYAMA." The general rule is that TERA, when used as a suffix, is pronounced DERA. The Chinese (and Japanese) character for TERA / DERA is 寺. This ...
空港[くうこう]:airport for public transportation 出発[しゅっぱつ]:departure, starting 地図[ちず]:map, atlas 運転[うんてん]:drive 降りる[おりる]:get off, land ガス:gas loan word 必ず[かならず]:without exception, always カメラ:camera 通う[かよう]:go to and from, fr...
A poem by the celebrated poet Bunya no Yasuhide from the series Hyakunin isshu no uchi, “One Hundred Poems for One Hundred Poets” which was compiled in 1235 by Fujiwara Teika (1162-1241). The poet in the background watches as a fierce wind blows away some of the umbrellas that are...
The Japanese word for monkey is “SARU.” This word is phonetically linked with the negative “ZARU,” which means “not.” Thus, the names of the three monkeys are Mizaru 見ざる (no see), Kikazaru 聞かざる (no hear), and Iwazaru 言わざる (no speak). MONKEY DEITIES IN JAPAN ...
Synonyms for Japanese cedar nountall evergreen of Japan and China yielding valuable soft wood Synonyms Cryptomeria japonica Japan cedar sugi Related Words cedar cedar tree Cryptomeria genus Cryptomeria Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
I noticed the word Windstopper on the page. I have not had good luck with windshirts being water resistant enough to use them instead of a full-out rain jacket in the PNW climate where I am. And the rain jacket gets overloaded rather quickly from rain from the "inside." ...
but it became intensely so during World War II. It was protested by Japanese before the war, but did not begin to be taboo in the U.S. before 1960s. As an adjective from 1878. For some years after World War II in American English the word also functioned as a verb, "to execute ...