mikado, tenno - the emperor of Japan; when regarded as a religious leader the emperor is called tenno Adj. 1. Japanese - of or relating to or characteristic of Japan or its people or their culture or language; "the Japanese Emperor"; "Japanese cars" Nipponese Based on WordNet 3.0, Farle...
Japanese animation. Pronounced "ah-nee-meh," anime dates back to the early 1900s. A related Japanese term is "manga," which means cartoon. Copyright © 1981-2019 byThe Computer Language Company Inc. All Rights reserved. THIS DEFINITION IS FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY. All other reproduction is ...
One of the world’s most invasive plants. Billions of dollars are spent trying to get rid of it, yet it could feed millions as a food source AND is a major source of resveratrol, a powerful anti-aging and anti-cancer agent. There is no excuse for starvation if this plant is around....
but it became intensely so during World War II. It was protested by Japanese before the war, but did not begin to be taboo in the U.S. before 1960s. As an adjective from 1878. For some years after World War II in American English the word also functioned as a verb, "to execute ...
After a long period (12th-19th century) of domination by a series of shoguns, feudalism was abolished on the restoration of the emperor Mutsuhito (1868) and the country was opened to trade with the West. Japan's industrialization and expansionism led to a series of wars, culminating in ...
@isariThe exact word here is "宠幸".皇帝は女官をお手つきにした =皇帝宠幸女官/皇帝让女官成为了他的宠幸/女官得到了皇帝的宠幸。
Hong Kong Macau bg:Японскоизобразителноизкуствоca:Art del Japógl:Arte xaponesahr:Japanska umjetnostit:Arte giapponesehe:אמנות יפניתhu:Japán művészetepl:Sztuka japońskapt:Arte do Japãosv:Japansk konst...
He’s usually a retired sumo wrestler himself who’s reached a certain rank and is now responsible for running the stable and training the wrestlers. It can also be a broad term for “mentor,” especially in traditional Japanese crafts and apprenticeship systems. 親方、弟子たちが準備完了しま...
wife; Mrs; madam; / wife of a nobleman (aristocrat, etc.); / consort of the emperor 夫婦【ふうふfuufu】 married couple; spouses; husband and wife; couple; pair; / his and hers; pair of objects, one larger (for man), one smaller (for woman) ...
While the complex bureaucracy instituted in 1932 survived largely unchanged (save for its expansion over the years), the type of government was changed in March 1934 from that of a republic to one of direct imperial rule with the ordination of ...