Han Xin (-196 BC), famous general of first Han emperor Liu Bang 劉邦|刘邦[Liu2 Bang1] Example Usage 中日韩 Trad. 中日韓 Zhōng Rì Hán China, Japan and Korea 朝韩 Trad. 朝韓 Cháo Hán North and South Korea 韩媒 Trad. 韓媒 Hán méi South Korean media 韩日 Trad. 韓日 ...
天皇 Tiān huáng Emperor of Japan Tennō Mikado Show Strokes 天皇 tiān huáng emperor emperor of Japan Show Strokes Browse Dictionary 天王 | tianwang | tian wang 天王星 | Tianwangxing | Tian wang xing 天球 | tianqiu | tian qiu 天理教 | Tianlijiao | Tian li jiao 天琴座 | ...
Liu Bowen (1311-1375), general under the first Ming emperor Zu Yuanzhang 朱元璋, with a reputation as a military genius also called Liu Ji 劉基|刘基 正仓院 Trad. 正倉院 Zhēng cāng yuàn Shōsō-in, treasure house belonging to Tōdai-ji 東大寺, Nara 奈良, Japan, an extensive repository...
With its numerous tributaries, the Qiantang River showcases powerful connectivity. It increased mobility of goods and people, especially business people from Anhui province. Thanks to the construction of the southern part of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal initiated by Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynast...
Temple in Heaven (e.g. of the Jade Emperor) 宫廷Trad.宮廷 gōng tíng court (of king or emperor) Example Usage 宫颈Trad.宮頸 gōng jǐng cervix neck of the uterus 后宫Trad.後宮 hòu gōng harem chambers of imperial concubines 地宫Trad.地宮 ...
Emperor of the Sea Neptune ShowStrokes 神女 shén nǚ goddess prostitute (slang) ShowStrokes 神女 Shén nǚ The Goddess, 1934 silent film about a Shanghai prostitute, directed by 吳永剛|吴永刚[Wú Yǒng gāng] ShowStrokes 坐骨神经Trad.坐骨神經 ...
/wiki.answers.com/Q/Who_was_considered_the_best_Emperor_of 分享9赞 c++吧 星期天de早晨 刚开始学C++ 请教LoadString函数在什么地方运行的LoadString(hInst, IDS_HELLO, szHello, MAX_LOADSTRING); 在主程序找不到这个函数,只有调用语句 // win32.cpp : Defines the entry point for the a 分享7赞 ...
A Lunar New Year fit for an Emperor 02:54 Editor’s Note: Photographer and artist Chen Man was CNN Style’s guest editor in 2018. She commissioned a series of features on visual language and imagining the future. CNN — The definition of beauty changes all the time. And sometimes, ...
Li Ye, personal name of twentieth Tang emperor Zhaozong 昭宗[Zhāo zōng] (867-904), reigned 888-904 吴越春秋 Trad. 吳越春秋 Wú Yuè chūn qiū History of the Southern States Wu and Yue (traditional rivals), compiled by Han historian Zhao Ye 趙曄|赵晔, 10 extant scrolls 殗 yè ...