The 2005 found footage horror filmNoroi(literally "The Curse") is a mockumentary-style horror film that is far from the typical Western execution of this trope. The film was directed by Koji Shiraishi. The film focuses on a paranormal investigator named Masafumi, who has become famous for his...
Whatever the specifics, there is definitely a minimum of twenty minutes of footage that could have been done away with, and should have been replaced with at least three to five more minutes showing her acrimonious relationship with her flatmate develop; two to three minutes each at the beach...
Footage Library Retro Film Asian More stock footage of the same categories 4K Japan 1969, Typical Japanese house 4K Japan 1969, People and deer 4K Japan 1969, People and deer 4K 4K Japan 1969, Travel street japan 4K Japan 1969, Travel street japan ...
Hajime Satô's 1965 Toei movieKaidan semushi otokogoesby several names in the West:The Ghost of the Hunchback,House of Terrors, andSatan's Pit. Regardless, they are all the same film. The black-and-white picture is considered a lost gem as theJapaneseversion with Japanese on-screen text...
and a big finale where enemies usually become friends and help each other to make the final delivery while the police force throws everything they’ve got at them to stop the truck bastards. Some of the action scenes feature a bit of stock footage as Toei couldn’t afford to trash so ma...
Combining centuries-old evil with modern technology, Noroi: The Curse is one of the best found-footage horror movies ever made in any country. Koji Shiraishi's breakout 2005 hit is structured as a TV documentary deemed "too scary" for broadcast, about a paranormal investigator whose career come...
However, this being the last box release of Dragon Ball Z televised material, it is somewhat sad that this footage was not included on either of the boxes. It would be understandable if the footage was lost or caught up in another company, but the special is clearly listed as being ...
Johnny Depp Could Return As Jack Sparrow For A New Pirates Of The Caribbean Movie 12/4/2024 by Pauli Poisuo Slash Film A Jackie Chan Comedy Is One Of Disney's Biggest Box Office Flops 11/30/2024 by Witney Seibold Slash Film George Clooney “Hit vs Flop” Ratio: Besides “Gravity”, ...
The performance features game footage being played along with the music from that particular game. And while I’ve seen this done in many other concert series’ before it, never have I seen it done with such precision and accuracy. Even the Final Fantasy concerts have never pulled it off ...
Thursday, August 18th, 2005 11:31 pm [j_crew_guy] Brokeback Mountain trailer follow-up towleroad has somethoughtson theBrokeback Mountaintrailer, along with a link to the footage. Apparently it wasn't an actual trailer, but footage from the movie instead. Either way, we won't have long ...