unique challenges navigating their daily lives in Japan as Koreans while maintaining their Korean identity. The director first met a Zainichi Korean in North Korea 18 years ago. This film is the record of his encounters with many others while travelling between Korea and Japan for the past 18 ...
The footage of this TV program was shown several times in Gil-so-ddeum, signifying the impact of the tragic national division on individuals and their families from an objective perspective. In the film, the main characters Hwa-young and Dong-jin, formerly married, meet through the TV ...
So don't expect some great investigative found-footage film, because they don't really get into that much they just make speculations based on the rumors around Gonjiam.Anyways, moral of the story: don't play around with spirits for views! Was this review helpful to you? Yes No ...
Ifyou’re planning on shooting raw footage in a language you are unfamiliar with and editing it later, please ask your guide or interpreter if they can give you a written transcript of everything that was recorded. Subtitle styles In the video above, Adelphi has created burnt-on Korean subti...
goes on with her life, she befriends a stranger named Jun-yeong, as they seem to have a lot in common. She has no idea that Jun-yeong was the one who found her phone, and installed spyware in an effort to find out everything there is to know about her life, and how to ruin ...
(195 01:54 Amazing Footage Of American World War 2 12:14 Aircraft Carrier Far East (1944) - YouTu 10:28 Air Support Command, Reel 3 - YouTube 08:13 Aerial Attacks (1943) - YouTube 05:12 ABANDON SHIP - Navy Training Film 21960 32:17 A soldier loads and fires a multiple 50 02:...
Whatever the specifics, there is definitely a minimum of twenty minutes of footage that could have been done away with, and should have been replaced with at least three to five more minutes showing her acrimonious relationship with her flatmate develop; two to three minutes each at the beach...
Ha-ram demands the detectives check Black’s flight records, and they confirm that Black never left the country and never got surgery to remove the bullet from his brain. They did find footage of someone jumping off the cliff where they found Joon’s body, and they realize that it must ...
South Korean actor Song Jae-lim, a former model who rose to prominence in K-dramas, was found dead in Seoul on Tuesday. He was 39.
13th Pyongyang International Film Festival opens September 21, 2012/Leave a comment I dug out some footage from Chinese broadcaster CCTV of the Pyongyang International Film Festival that is going on at the moment. I am sick as a dog not to be there – alas my application to enter a film ...