Jamie Oliver 蒜香烤羊肩肉 / roasted lamb shoulder的做法 预热烤箱至最高温度,用刀撇去羊肉上多余的油脂 在烤盘底下铺上半把迷迭香,在羊肉上抹上盐和胡椒,加橄榄油按摩一会儿入味 把羊肉放入烤盘,在上面继续铺上剩下的迷迭香和蒜瓣。 烤盘用锡纸裹严实,放入烤箱中,马上把温度调整为170度,烤4个小时左右就完...
A brilliant lamb shoulder roast recipe from Jamie Oliver. This slow cooked lamb shoulder is just the best served with mash and seasonal greens. Happy days!
This is a recipe that I first made as an alternative to roasting a leg of lamb. I wanted to save time and make my own gravy, so I turned it into a pot roast by adding vegetables and wine. I think shoulder of lamb is one of the best cuts by far - it's tastier than leg. ...
This article focuses on the pressure cooker function and how to adapt slow cooker recipes, broths and braised dishes to see how to properly convert and adapt our favorite recipes to the Instant Pot. Generally speaking, the pressure cooker function of the Instant Pot was easy to use and worked...
Jamie Oliver 蒜香烤羊肩肉 / roasted lamb shoulder的做法步骤 步骤1 预热烤箱至最高温度,用刀撇去羊肉上多余的油脂 步骤2 在烤盘底下铺上半把迷迭香,在羊肉上抹上盐和胡椒,加橄榄油按摩一会儿入味 步骤3 把羊肉放入烤盘,在上面继续铺上剩下的迷迭香和蒜瓣。