g.2 Strin job-timeout 1d Option to job timeo This option setting job timeout,The uni g ut t can be d, h, m, sforday, hour, minu te, second. 1d is one dayindefault1 boole print-parentrueOption to print all This option enables print filesinpare an t-fields filedsinparent c nt...
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Take it with you wherever you go, because the extremely slim design makes this device easily portable. The notebook can even fit in your shoulder bag. Ultra-thin Form Measuring only 17.5mm in thickness, the Eeebook is incredibly thin without compromising on the performance. I...
It is a story full of pain and suffering. The story paints a picture of what it means to be “dislocated”, “set out”, all by oneself and how badly it feels. “My feet were cast in icy bands, bound with frost,with frozen chains, and hardship groaned around my heart. Hunger tore...