『Call Of Duty® Infinite Warfare - Jackal Assault VR Experience』讓粉絲置身駕駛艙,操縱『Call Of Duty® Infinite Warfare』中的個人戰鬥機「Jackal」(狐狼)。遊戲體驗爽快刺激、毫無冷場,玩家在進行例行訓練任務時遭到攻擊,立刻投入戰鬥。『Jackal Assault
The Call Of Duty® Infinite Warfare, Jackal Assault VR Experience immerses fans in the cockpit and puts them in control of a Jackal, the multi-role fighter in Call of Duty Infinite Warfare. Exhilarating and action-packed, players quickly jump into comb
1. What is the Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare – Jackal Assault VR Experience? 2. How do I get access to and download the Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare – Jackal Assault VR Experience? 3. When will the Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare – Jackal Assault VR Experience ...
If you’re a Sony fan, then Activision really loves you. Along with allowing early access to the campaign ofCall of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Remastereda month in advance andCall of Duty: Infinite Warfare’sbeta premiering first on PS4, owners of the latter will alsoreceivea VR game for fr...
PlayStation Store 中 Call Of Duty: Infinite Warfare, Jackal Assault VR Experience的历史价格,点击注册即可订阅
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare: Jackal Assault VR Experience 使命召唤:无限战争:豺狼突击VR体验的视频,攻略,评测,图片,评分,讨论, 帮助你判断是否好玩,发现更多相似好游戏及爱玩这些游戏的人
Indiana JonesRelease Too HumanRelease Call of Duty 3Release Dead or Alive Xtreme 2Release Resident Evil 5Release The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth IIRelease Over G FightersRelease Assassin's CreedRelease Stuntman: IgnitionRelease ...
对于《使命召唤》这款游戏,观察君无需过多介绍,这一次《使命召唤:无限战争》将开启太阳系大地图,并引进战舰Retribution、太空战斗机Jackal等新型载具。 近日,Activision公司宣布《Call of Duty XP》(《使命召唤XP》)将于9月2号到4号在洛杉矶回归。在此次盛会上,现场玩家可以登陆PlayStation VR体验《使命召唤:无限战争...
文件:SMG Jackal PDW(BO6).webp MCsHood 于9天前修改了此页面。 文件 文件历史 文件用途 此WEBP文件的PNG预览的大小:800 × 375像素。(1,920 × 900像素,文件大小:115 KB,MIME类型:image/webp) 基于MsUpload的文件上传 文件历史点击某个日期/时间查看对应时刻的文件。
Item:Seed of LifeRate:100% 1 Bounty Hunter (3)70 - 79-1 Blade Jackal0 Item:Holy Warrior's Reflection 4Rate:100% 1 Blade Jackal0 Item:Holy Warrior's Reflection 4Rate:100% 1 Call to Duty: B Jackal59+-1 Default Drop #NameDefault drop rateReal drop rate ...