9.1 IUPAC Nomenclature of Alcohols, Ethers and Phenols 9.1.1 Naming Alcohols 9.1.2 Naming Phenols 9.1.3 Naming Ethers 9.2 Preparation of alc
LG-1.1 LignaneIf the two C6C3units (4) are linked by a β,β'-bond the parent structure lignane (5) is used as the basisfor naming the lignan.LG-1.2 NeolignaneIf the two C6C3units (4) are linked by a bond other than a β,β'-bond the parent structure, neolignane,is used as...
Alkanes and CycloalkanesIUPAC Naming 1:52 minutes Problem 3Mullins - 1st Edition Textbook Question (•••) Correct the following incorrect names using standard IUPAC nomenclature. [Draw a compound that corresponds to the incorrect name, and then rename it....
P-55Selectingpreferredretainednames P-56Selectingpreferredsubstituentgroupnames P-57Selectingpreferrednamesfortautomericcompounds P-58Nameconstruction CHAPTERP-6APPLICATIONSTOSPECIFICCLASSESOFCOMPOUNDS P-60Introduction P-61Substitutivenomenclature:prefixmode P-62Aminesandimines P-63Hydroxycompounds,ethers,peroxols,...
Alkanes and CycloalkanesIUPAC Naming 1:33 minutes Problem 3~Mullins - 1st Edition Textbook Question (•••) Correct the following incorrect names using standard IUPAC nomenclature. [Draw a compound that corresponds to the incorrect name, and then rename it....
structures classified as lignans depended largely on trivial names and if nec-essary the appropriate numbering derived from the systematic name. This resulted sometimes in alter-native numbering systems for closely related compounds with potential ambiguity in the naming of ana-logues. For example, in...