Lactic acid enantiomers and cyclic lactic acid dimers, the latter referred to as lactides, are sources of degradable aliphatic polymers that are composed of chiral constitutional repeating units. The different synthesis routes and the various combinations of chiral units result in a multitude of ...
IUPAC有机取代基团和环系统命名.pdf,ORGANIC SUBSTITUENT GROUPS AND RING SYSTEMS he irst part of this table lists substituent groups and their line by systematic rules (e.g., methyl from methane, ethyl from eth- formulas. A substituent group is deined by IU
Thermal stability of poly(lactic acid) before and after -radiolysis BT - IUPAC 37th International Symposium on Macromolecules-Radiation Chemistryof Polymers and Polymer Education, July 12, 1998 - July 17, 1998doi:10.1002/(sici)1097-0126(199910)48:10<980::aid-pi257>3.0.co...