iPhone 6s 或更早机型,包括 iPhone SE(第 1 代)和 iPod touch(第 6 代)或更早机型:同时按住主屏幕按钮和顶部(或侧边)按钮。继续按住这两个按钮,直到你看到“连接到电脑”屏幕。 在电脑上找到你的设备。当看到“更新”或“恢复”选项时,请选取“更新”。请等待电脑为你的设备下载软件。如果下载耗时超过 15...
iTunes freezes when iPhone is connected Windows 10? Take a look at the article below, you will find 10 easy ways to fix the problem.
Normally, preparing iPhone for restore takes around 15 minutes. However, some users reported that“the software has taken over 15 minutes to download which makes my phone exit recovery mode”. When you click restore again, failed again. It seems to take forever to restore iPhone. Then, how c...
步骤1.下载并安装奇客iPhone数据恢复 访问奇客iPhone数据恢复官方网站并下载 iPhone 数据恢复软件。按照屏幕上的说明在计算机上安装软件。 下载: https://www.geekersoft.cn/phone-rescue.html 步骤2。使用 USB 数据线连接您的 iPhone 启动 奇客iPhone数据恢复 。接下来,使用 USB 数据线连接 iPhone 和计算机。然后,选...
How to Remove Linked Devices for Apple Purchases on PC & Mac Feb 5, 2022 - Leave a Comment Do you sign in to your Apple ID on a lot of different devices, let’s say your iPhone, several Mac’s, a few Windows machines, an old PC, an older iPhone or iPad or two, or even an...
Additionally, easily set up your iPhone, iPad, or iPod, and effortlessly add music, videos, and more to your device. iTunes provides a comprehensive solution for all your multimedia needs.OverviewiTunes for Windows 11/10 allows you to centralize your media collection and offers various options ...
Software: Windows 10 64-bit editions of Windows require the iTunes 64-bit installer 400MB of available disk space Some third-party visualizers may no longer be compatible with this version of iTunes. Please contact the developer for an updated visualizer that is compatible with iTunes 12.1 or...
iPhone 6s 或更早机型,包括 iPhone SE(第 1 代)和 iPod touch(第 6 代)或更早机型:同时按住主屏幕按钮和顶部(或侧边)按钮。继续按住这两个按钮,直到你看到“连接到电脑”屏幕。 在电脑上找到你的设备。当看到“更新”或“恢复”选项时,请选取“更新”。请等待电脑为你的设备下载软件。如果下载耗时超过 15...
步驟1。 下載並安裝iPhone數據恢復 首先,您需要在計算機上下載並安裝iPhone Data Recovery,您可以在App Store或其官方網站www.apeaksoft.com上下載。 然後直接啟動它。 步驟2。 將iPhone與電腦連接 現在,在界面上選擇“從iTunes備份文件恢復”選項,然後通過USB電纜將iPhone與計算機連接,iPhone數據恢復將自動掃描iPhone。
How to restore iPhone from backup using iTunes Step 1:Connect your iPhone to the same Windows 10 computer where you have previously created a backup of your iPhone. Step 2:Launch iTunes. Click on the small phone icon in the toolbar to see your iPhone details. ...