如果你备份了 iPhone、iPad 或 iPod touch,那么当你遇到设备更换、丢失或损坏情形时,就有信息副本可供使用。 在Mac 上打开“访达”,或在 PC 上打开Apple 设备 App。如果你的 PC 上没有安装 Apple 设备 App,或者你的 Mac 使用的是 macOS Mojave 或更早版本,请改为打开iTunes。
If you use the iTunes application on your Windows computer, the files are stored in your computer's file system. This data is typically backed up by Backblaze Computer Backup, and you can recover these files from your online backup like any other files.
iTunes won't open on your Windows PC? Looking for solutions to fix the problem? Here is all you need to know.
How To Restore From iTunes Backup on Windows 7 Though Microsoft no longer supports Windows 7, users can still restore iTunes backups on the operating system. The following steps detail the process for finding and restoring iTunes backups on Windows 7. Import iTunes Backups on Windows 7 By ...
Windows iTunes can't find software to restore iPod Nano 7G We recently bought a second-hand iPod Nano 7G. When we plugged it into our Windows 10 computer, iTunes displayed the following error message: "iTunes has detected an iPod in recovery mode. You must restore this iPod before it ca...
How to Fix iTunes Keeps Crashing on Windows or Mac [100% Work] The Best Version of iTunes, Don’t Miss! iTunes Issue: How to Clear iTunes Library and Start Over 2 Ways to Restore Lost or Accidentally Deleted iTunes Playlists
I would suggest you also backup to iCloud so you have options should you find yourself unable to restore from your computer. tt2 Reply of 1 iTunes, Windows 10, iPhone 12 - Your iPhone has not been backed up to this PC Welcome...
talk about the quick time player which is no longer used. The Windows Media Player pretty much has the same controls and settings so I set it all to "Restore Settings" and the player still does not work like it did in the tutorials. Could you please tell me what's going on with ...
37、iPad Touch,Touch, selectselect restorerestore typetyper r thenthen prestprest OKOK bu-bu-通过它,你甚至可以将备份中的单个文件恢复到 iPhone,或者是将备份 中修改过的文件恢复到iPhone。这里大家可能很奇怪,修改过的文件指 的是什么? 在iBackupBot中集成了非常有用的修改工具, 一个可以用 来修改备忘录...
至于文件夹方面,不同版本的电脑和系统会有所区别(建议在Windows系统中【查看】-【隐藏文件夹】一栏打勾)。 1、首先将iPhone手机与到电脑连接,然后就可以通过苹果公司提供的iTunes软件对手机中的数据进行备份。 另外一种更加便捷的方法是在Finder下直接通过快捷键commnd+shift+G打开前往文件夹,直接复制:用户名/...