Great-uncleProzioProzii[prot͡sˈio]proh-tseeh-oh Great-auntProziaProzie[prod͡zˈia]proh-tseeh-ah Great-great-unclePro-prozioPro-prozii[prˈo prot͡sˈio]proh-proh-tseeh-oh Great-great-auntPro-proziaPro-prozie[prˈo prod͡zˈia]proh-proh-tseeh-ah ...
I have made several errors in my attempts to speak italian in Italy but one of my more glaring boo-boos was the time that I was trying to explain to my Italian relatives that in America we put preservatives in wine while in Italy they do not. I did not know the word for preservativ...
it was clear that they had been poisoned against us. They looked at me in wide-eyed curiosity, though they weren’t sure why. Whenever we had the experience of being with my uncle, at family reunions or funerals, I could never look at him without thinking in my head, “I know ...
the uncle (singular) the uncles (plural) lo yogurt gli yogurt the yoghurt (singular) the yoghurts (plural) Feminine in front of a consonant la (singular) and le (plural) la zuppa le zuppe the soup (singular) the soups (plural) la porta le porte the door (singular) the door...
My friend has had three jobs in a year; he never sticks to anything for long. Roger Miller's father died when he was only one year old and his mother became sick soon after, so he was sent to live with his uncle in Erick, Oklahoma. ...
Il vecchio zio: the old uncle Gli stessi ragazzi: the same boys (but,i ragazzi stessi: the boys themselves) La nuova amica: the new friend Time You use an article whentelling the time, knowing that the unspoken word with time isoraorore(hour or hours). ...
Subject to revision whenever the mood strikes me. If you have something you’d like to add or suggest or comment on, gohere(where you can also see what others have suggested). Most of this usage isnotfor polite company. Formilder slang and idiom, see this page. ...
Extended, multi-generational families often live together or in close proximity. Sunday lunches with parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins are a cherished ritual. You might have come across Italian social media creators talking about their family relations, especially how their grandparents...
They change the way that a word is pronounced. The grave accent can go on any vowel letter, and it has to go on vowels when they appear as the last letter in a word. The grave accent makes the vowel sound more closed, or end a little more abruptly than if the accent were not pre...
One I especially love is my dear friend (and former brother-in-law) Tom Barocci’s recipe that my son calls “Uncle Tom’s Breakfast Potatoes” though Tom refers to them as his “Sunday Potatoes”. Tom has been making this potato dish since his years at the University of Wisconsin when...