nothing doing : by no means : definitely no nothing for it : no alternative nothing for it but to start over nothing like : not nearly it's nothing like thorough enough for nothing 1 : without reason 2 : at no charge Synonyms...
In our first episode, we ask a simple but complex question: when is a meal supper and when is it dinner? Is there a difference? Then, we navigate one of English’s most fraught topics: the word 'irregardless.'
rentable e-scooters across San Francisco during the same week at the end of March. Almost instantly, dozens of scooters were blocking sidewalks at bus stops, train stations and shopping areas. First-time riders, dinging a small bell attached to the handlebars, snaked in and around...
Cycling is a low-impact exercise, which means it is gentler on the joints compared to high-impact activities such as running, making it suitable for individuals of all ages and varying fitness levels. Cycling is an excellent way to burn calories and manage weight. It can help burn anywhere ...
The 10308 thing means that you can store any number as large as 10308 (or 1 followed by 308 zeros)—as long as it only has 16 or fewer significant figures. On the other end of the range, 10–324 means that you can store any number as small as 10–324 (or a decimal point ...
”). Solution is an anagram (indicated by “change”) of I URGED followed by RUE (i.e. “I regret”) reversed (indicated by “doing a U-turn”), like so: DERIGU-EUR. DE RIGUEUR also aptly describes the use of French phrases in Times Jumbo crosswords. You know what that means....
I went to some nondenominational churches and had extensive conversations with people about my faith, their faith and what it means to them. My dad is strong in his faith and, at his request, I considered the idea of letting it become a part of my life again. Fast forward again. April...
The shelter in place orders due to Covid-19 have knocked many down, but they are devising ways to get back up and resume their vision of what it means to live here. They have open minds and are digging deep to find solutions. They have entrepreneurial spirits that will spawn innovation...
I have always wanted to share this story because it is one of the things that I will remember for my entire life. And I’m sure person feels the same.We had a new teacher in my high school World History class. She was very nice and excited to see us. Sh
The Red Planet has about one-third of the gravity that Earth has. This means water flows more slowly on Mars. By making the parabolas less steep, zero-gravity flights can make the feeling of Martian gravity. Flying with Zero-G has been necessary for Kuhn’s research. “It is the only ...