synonyms (1) Words with the same meaning crossword puzzle hypernyms (1) Words that are more generic or abstract puzzle same context (22) Words that are found in similar contexts algebraical book-review classloader crm cutting-out deloitte ever-new fair play flooble fumfum...
The meaning of CROSSWORD is a puzzle in which words are filled into a pattern of numbered squares in answer to correspondingly numbered clues and in such a way that the words read across and down.
The most common crossword cheeses are EDAM, BRIE, FETA, and GOUDA. From The Daily Beast Adam’s written some crosswords of his own that you can solve free on his website. From Washington Post Last week, you were presented with a crossword puzzle title “Systematic Solving.” From FiveThir...
We will be presenting a few words before you. You have to find the synonyms (words with the same meaning) and antonyms (opposite of the word) of the words we will be presenting to you. No worries, we wil...
crossword meaning, definition, what is crossword: a word game in which you write the answe...: Learn more.
The meaning of THE WORD is stories and lessons of the Bible. How to use the Word in a sentence.
Crossword puzzle (find the ten words meaning“锡铁罐”、“钥匙"、“班级"、“小组”、“监狱”、“公园”、“婴儿车"、“田野”、“浴室"、“穿过"in Chinese following the examples).hthrughmCekeZnhgI wboySaryrmhrXtSaZ0htSStuejgn^on^tanan^-⋅1/2an^(-1/2)⋅n/(n+2)nbkatdpemrZjkXeed...
Rex Parker Does the NYT Crossword Puzzle2009 References to bodily functions don't pass what Mr. Reagle calls "the Sunday morning breakfast test" for entertaining eager weekendcrossworders: "They've waited all week for this. Old-Time Luster2007...
Option 1: Type the definition of your word or group of words, choose your letter number and find answers and synonyms. Option 2: Type your word with a space for each missing letter, and directly find solutions. (One star will be displayed for each missing letter). ...
Next time you are struggling with the crossword, try putting the kettle on. Drinking a cup of te a can improve creativity, a study suggests.Researchers gave participants either te a or water and then asked them to complete a word association game, which was used to measure a form of crea...