あいつら絶対グルだろ。 My interpretation, “They’re definitely in on it.” Is グル a 動詞 それとも, 名詞?是什么意思? PerrinePaindavoine 2024年5月9日 日语 グル・・・英語の group から来た単語です。 日本語では「グループ(「群れ」の意味)」で「名詞」として使われます。
a此章節名詞定義為針對規範中使用到的名詞縮寫做中英文之全文說明 This chapter noun defines for aims at the noun abbreviation which in the standard uses to give full text of showing Chinese and English[translate] aBehind this mask is a man, and behind this man is an idea. And ideas are bulle...
Particularly I don't understand how をとしても is used. Can someone please explain and translate this part for me? natsu888 2019年8月3日 日语 をとしても、は意味を成していませんので、正しくは「をとても」だと思います。 メタファーは文章や表現をとても豊かにしてくれます。
aThis actuality is generally induced by two problems including revenue and financing. Some analysis thought that in the aspect of financing, the financing of middle and small enterprises is less than 10% of the total social level, and in the aspect of revenue, differing with the “super nation...
It's not wrong to say "established", but it feels a bit awkward here. I would say something like "It is acceptable to use 'they' as a pronoun to refer to a person the same way we use 'she' or 'he'?" "What nouns do sister and brother replace?" is incorrec
June is Pride Month, when the world's LGBTQ communities come together and celebrate the freedom to be themselves. 六月是骄傲月,全世界的 LGBTQ 社区齐聚一堂,庆祝做自己的自由。 1.LGBTQ:女同性恋者(Lesbian)、男同性恋者(Gay)、双性恋者(Bisexual)与跨性别者(Transgender)、酷儿(Queer)的英文首字母缩略...
由于项目大部分代码都是ANSI编码,因此考虑将项目整体改为GBK编码。 新建letodms用户和同名数据库,密码也为letodms。数据库字符集选为gbk_chinese_ci. 修改create_tables.sql文件,将ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;中的utf-8改为gbk。导入该SQL。 在Apache中建立