Che cosa significaあいつら絶対グルだろ。 My interpretation, “They’re definitely in on it.” Is グル a 動詞 それとも, 名詞?? PerrinePaindavoine 9 mag Giapponese グル・・・英語の group から来た単語です。 日本語では「グループ(「群れ」の意味)」で「名詞」として使われます。
Is this conversation correct? A: What is an example of people who d... What’s the correct word to complete the sentence? What a nice family photo. Which one is ___... 強意の否定表現について教えて下さい。 He didn't want to watch that brilliant woman (In the least) ,(a b...
What does "not very beautiful" means? Is it "beautiful but not great" or "so-so" or "ugly"? Is this sentencecorrect? There were not enough chairs for all of them to sit on them. Is there any similarities between Spanish and Japanese? Some people in internet saying that there...瞩...
Ummm~ unnatural😂 It’s like chat slangs on the Internet.I’m living in Kansai, but most of men say ”俺 Ore”or”僕 Boku”. they are used everywhere in Japan.But there is Kansai direct expression about women, it’s “ウチ Uchi”.@...
So, your feeling of noun 好き + particle に is not very much irrelevant but this concept will not match with verb やります.When verb is する, it may have following meaning.好きにする 好きに in adverb use ⇒ to do as one likes 好きにする 好き+に noun + particle ⇒ to ...
its 在文法上叫所有格 (possessive),意思是「它/牠的」,可用在物品、植物、動物。
aThis actuality is generally induced by two problems including revenue and financing. Some analysis thought that in the aspect of financing, the financing of middle and small enterprises is less than 10% of the total social level, and in the aspect of revenue, differing with the “super nation...
由于项目大部分代码都是ANSI编码,因此考虑将项目整体改为GBK编码。 新建letodms用户和同名数据库,密码也为letodms。数据库字符集选为gbk_chinese_ci. 修改create_tables.sql文件,将ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;中的utf-8改为gbk。导入该SQL。 在Apache中建立
Particularly I don't understand how をとしても is used. Can someone please explain and translate this part for me? natsu888 3 ago 2019 Japonês をとしても、は意味を成していませんので、正しくは「をとても」だと思います。 メタファーは文章や表現をとても豊かにしてくれます。
This is the default welcome page used to test the correct operation of the Apache2 server after installation on Ubuntu systems. It is based on the equivalent page on Debian, from which the Ubuntu Apache packaging is derived. If you can read this page, it means that the Apache HTTP server...