INFJ 希望他们的伴侣有洞察力、富有同情心和有条理,并且由于这些性格类型在一个或多个部门中缺乏,因此他们无法进入 INFJ 最佳匹配列表。 尽管与他们的 INFJ 人格类型兼容性不是最高的,但他们与 INFJ 有足够的共同特征来建立充实、和谐和持久的关系。 INFJ和ENFJ的关系 INFJ-ENFJ 兼容性:74% ENFJ 是 INFJ 的理想...
People with the ISTJ personality type approach relationships, as with most things, from a rational perspective, looking for compatibility and the mutual satisfaction of daily and long-term needs. This isn’t a process that they take lightly, and once commitments are established, they stick to the...
Angela 1 year ago Advocate (INFJ-A) I wouldn’t stress. There’s so much more to compatibility than personality type. Type should be used to learn effective communication and to understand someone better than to filter them for a relationship or a job. Lavender 2 weeks ago Campaigner (ENFP...
INTJ 和 INFP(调停者) :他们都有丰富的想象力,可以尊重彼此的隐私,但难点在于INTJ 需要满足 INFP 的情感需求。 INTJ 和 INFJ(提倡者):会喜欢讨论概念想法,但 INFJ 的激情可能压倒 INTJ。 INTJ 和 ENFJ(主人公):会给你们的关系带来很多温暖和乐趣,但INTJ可能会认为ENFJ过于情绪化。 INTJ 和 INTJ(建筑师):两...
Of course there are many things that influence a relationship's success or failure, such as family background and intelligence. Recent research shows that the number one cause of long-term success for a couple is that they treat each other with respect and kindness. ...
ISTJs are steady, productive contributors. Although they are Introverted, ISTJs are rarely isolated; typical ISTJs know just where they belong in life, and want to understand how they can participate in established organizations and systems. They concern themselves with maintaining the social order ...
——INTJ Compatibility: How the Scientist Pairs with other Personality Types INTJ 与其他人格类型的整体兼容性如何? INTJ 对相容关系的最后选择包括具有感知和判断特征的人格类型,因此像 ISFJ 和 ESTJ 这样的类型可能会与 INTJ 在他们截然不同的世界观上发生冲突。面向未来的 INTJ 最好辅以 ENFP 和 ENTP 等类型...