一边是敏感的富有创造力的理想主义者——INFJ(提倡者)人格。 一边是善于观察细节、热爱自由的自由主义者——ISTP(鉴赏家)人格。 令人惊讶的是,这个配对组合相当普遍。 INFJ型和ISTP型的人彼此吸引,因为他们有足够多的相似之处让事情变得舒适,但也有足够多的不同之处让生活变得精彩。 双方都尊重对方的隐私和对空间...
Best Compatibility with INFJ personality 他们充满爱心和关怀,把自己奉献给他们的伴侣,倾向于完美主义。...
but different pairings will encounter problems unique to that combination. Some have a higher likelihood of compatibility than others due to shared preferences and/or functions, while others will have more hurdles to clear in order to thrive. The obvious advantage to INFJ-INFJ relationship...
ESFP and INFJ Intellectual Styles ESFP and INFJ Organizational Styles ESFP Compatibility with Other Types Get started for free Do you know your personality type? Learn about your type and so much more with TraitLab's comprehensive personality assessment. Create your free account ESFP and INFJ...
The INFJ and ISTP relationship is bound to be fraught with difficulty and ups and downs. While the INFJ appreciates the ISTP’s calm presence, the ISTP may wax hot and cold and baffle the INFJ as to why. The ISTP sometimes pushes their loved ones away and pretend they don’t care as ...
ISTP(鉴赏家) ESTP(企业家) 与INFJ 人格具有发展潜力的人格类型: INFP(调停者) ENFJ(主人公) ISFJ(守卫者) ESFJ(执政官) ISFP(探险家) ESFP(表演者) INFJ人格 & ENFP人格 在这令人兴奋的关系中,各种想法层出不穷。这两个将会进行许多冒险,无论是身体上还是精神上——彼此会在对方身上激发出更明亮、更生...
这也算一点?)估计又要被某些自诩清高的人开除infj籍了,接受不了就当我是istp帆船吧 ...