一、安装环境本地环境:Linux ubuntu kubernetes版本:1.15.2 二、准备工作 1、下载最新版本从Istio最新发布列表下载最新发布版本1.4.3压缩包,及其命令行工具(Istioctl...wget https://github.com/istio/istio/releases/download/1.4.3/istio-1.4.3-linux.tar.gz; 话外音:请下载相同版本的Istioctl...2、安装命令行...
on Ubuntu:If you don't see this menu item, install the zeroinstall-injector package from your distribution's repository, or from 0install.net. Drag the feed's URL to the dialog box that appears. Other environments may use other systems. For example, if you are a ROX desktop user, drag...