But before you do that, you need to make sure NGINX (if working with the open source version) is compiled with the option to debug in the first place (yeah, this feels unnecessary, but that’s the way things are for now, as NGINX tries to manage how much it commits to storing loggi...
How to install Network Performance Monitoring in your Istio cluster You can configure the Datadog Agent to enable NPM by adding the following options to your Helm values file: datadog.processAgent.processCollection: true: Enable process data collection by the Process Agent ...
Due to configuration error, the virtual machine has failed to connect multiple times Version (include the output of istioctl version --remote and kubectl version --short and helm version --short if you used Helm) How was Istio installed? https://istio.io/latest/docs/setup/install/virtual-mach...
One option is to follow theofficial tutorial here, to install the control plane in your Kubernetes cluster. The installation steps depend on your local machine type (Mac, Linux, Windows), so we will not replicate here the standard instructions of setting up local istioctl application and kubectl...