publiclongId {get;set; } 属性值 类型:System.Int64 返回Int64。 .NET Framework 安全性 对直接调用方的完全信任。此成员不能由部分信任的代码使用。有关更多信息,请参见通过部分受信任的代码使用库。 请参见 参考 Issuer 类 Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Server.AccessControl 命名空间...
Id 属性 参考 反馈 定义 命名空间: Microsoft.Azure.KeyVault.Models 程序集: Microsoft.Azure.KeyVault.dll 包: Microsoft.Azure.KeyVault v3.0.5 Source: IssuerBundle.cs 获取颁发者对象的标识符。 C# 复制 [Newtonsoft.Json.JsonProperty(PropertyName="id")] public string Id { get; } 属性值 ...
Matter MTRCertificates createRootCertificate(_:issuerID:fabricID:) Type Method createRootCertificate(_:issuerID:fabricID:) iOS 16.4+iPadOS 16.4+Mac Catalyst 16.4+macOS 13.3+tvOS 16.4+visionOS 1.0+watchOS 9.4+ class func createRootCertificate( _ keypair: any MTRKeypair, issuerID: NSNumber...
class func createRootCertificate(any MTRKeypair, issuerID: NSNumber?, fabricID: NSNumber?) throws -> Data M class func createOperationalCertificate(any MTRKeypair, signingCertificate: Data, operationalPublicKey: SecKey, fabricID: NSNumber, nodeID: NSNumber, caseAuthenticatedTags: Set<NSNumber>?
Pattern: [\p{Graph}\x20]* Required: No issuerId The issuer ID. Type: String Length Constraints: Maximum length of 64. Pattern: (0x)?[a-fA-F0-9]+ Required: NoSee Also For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following:AWS...
"issuer": { "id": "did:key:z6MktHQo3fRRohk44dsbE76CuiTpBmyMWq2VVjvV6aBSeE3U", "type": "Organization", "name": "Hauck Group", "description": "Focused secondary synergy", "address": { "type": "PostalAddress", "streetAddress": "3198 O'Kon Wall", "addressLocality": "North Adolp...
被引量: 1 摘要: Systems and methods configured to specify and/or deliver the benefit of an offer, based on the identity of an issuer of a consumer payment account with which the offer is associated and using which account a transaction qualifying for the offer is performed.收藏...
__k_accountType_ID __k_autoInfo_ID __k_autoLogOff_ID __k_autoUpdate_ID __k_clientAccessLogLevel_ID __k_company_ID __k_compilerWarningLevel_ID __k_confirmDelete_ID __k_confirmUpdate_ID __k_credentialRecId_ID __k_debuggerPopup_ID __k_debugInfo_ID __k_defaultPartition_ID __k_...
Microsoft Community Hub CommunitiesProductsSecurity, Compliance, and Identity Microsoft Entra ID (Azure AD) Microsoft EntraForum Discussion stromnessian Brass ContributorFeb 28, 2021 Identity issuer "phone" Hi I noticed that the most recent user I added in AAD came up with Identity issuer as "...
1 package(s) were not uploaded because they had problems: [2022-10-17 12:56:34 MSK] ERROR: There was a general exception while executing [2022-10-17 12:56:34 MSK] ERROR: An exception has occurred: issuerId is required [2022-10-17 12:56:34 MSK] DEBUG: java.lang.NullPointerEx...