shall (a) include any Notes issued during such Due Period as if such Notes had been outstanding on the first day of such Due Period and (b) give effect to any payments, deposits or other allocations
In August, Higher One agreed to a multi-million dollar settlement with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Without admitting or denying the allegations of unfair and deceptive practices, Higher One agreed to pay $11 million restitution to some 60,000 students as well as a $110,000 civil ...
The private-label “non-banking” platform innovated by The Bancorp Bank consists of 4 primary parts – Stored-Value, Health Services, Retail/Merchant Processing and Wealth Management. The Stored-Value segment includes a heavy focus on the Prepaid Debit Card market. Under a customized branding init...
Purpose:Since 2014, when the Health Insurance Marketplaces (HIMs) authorized by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) were implemented, considerable premium changes have been observed in the marketplaces across the 50 states and the District of Columbia. This policy brief assesses ...