Nov. 8, 2023, 2:03 AM UTC Tuesday’s “Yes” vote on Ohio’s Issue 1adds another tick in the “W” column for abortion rights, as anti-abortion forces have now lost every single time the people have been directly asked whether the government should be able to force us to stay pregn...
Ohio has gone "deep red" over the past two decades and, as a consequence, the Buckeye State is the target of an attempt by the hard left to use its dark money machine to gerrymander to permanently favor the blue jerseys. They are doing it via Ohio state ballot Issue 1. Every serious...
Ohio Prescription Drug Ballot IssueBerkeley Electronic Press Selected WorksMark Caleb Smith
Issue 1 has nothing to do with“protecting”Ohio’s Constitution and has everything to do with protecting the status quo. And what is the status quo? We have this election in August in the first place because very wealthy individuals and special interest groups have successfully bought their...
Previous research on the initiative process tends to underestimate the involvement of political parties in ballot measure contests as well as the impact of partisanship on initiative voting. Focusing on recent ballot contests in California, we find that the two major party organizations in California ...
Ohio Ballot Issue 3Berkeley Electronic Press Selected WorksSmith, Mark Caleb
Green, Marian
Marijuana Issue Spurs Concern ; Ohio Lawmaker Calls Ballot Initiative Bad Public PolicyBischoff, Laura A
It states that Issue 2 aims to establish an animal-care council that would oversee the treatment of farm animals. It indicates that the measure was introduced by the Ohio Farm Bureau.MacejkoChristinaDVM: The Newsmagazine of Veterinary Medicine...
Debate to Legalize Marijuana Flares in Ohio ; If Ballot Issue Passes, State Would Go from Ban to Full LegalizationBischoff, Laura A