Ohio State-wide Ballot IssuesBerkeley Electronic Press Selected WorksSmith, Mark Caleb
Mayor Mazur also noted that he believed it was his responsibility to bring the question of whether to become a charter former of government to city residents. Two ballot questions will be placed on the November general election ballot to provide voters the option of whether to change from a st...
Trump won't vote in the secret-ballot race, but his influence on it is palpable. ByAllison Pecorin November 12, 2024, 12:17 AM How a Republican majority in Senate will help Trump’s 2nd termDespite an impressive election showing, Republicans remain short of the 60 v...
Ohio voters may face most issues in history ; Citizen groups turn to the ballot after bills stall in state legislature.Jackie Borchardt
Battle lines form over ballot issues in OhioWilliam Hershey Columbus Bureau
Valryn Warren Staff Writer
March 4 primary taking shape ; In addition to White House races, Congress, statehouse and school issues on Ohio ballot.Lynn HulseyChristopher Magan Staff Writers