Obviously popcorn has like 4 times the amount of fiber content than baked lays, but it’s okay to have baked lays for your carb source as long as you are in range of your target fiber number at the end of the day. Evidently, someone that eats baked lays for all their carb sources i...
Despite these unsettling proclamations medical and sports medicine professionals are voicing more concerns about the number of men and women having serious health complications up to and including death as a result of prescribed non-steroidal inflammatory drugs (NSAID’s) and over-the counter ( OTC)...
dx.doi.org 相似文献Efficacy of quantified home-based exercise and supervised exercise in patients with intermittent claudication: a randomized controlled trial. BACKGROUND: This prospective, randomized, controlled clinical trial compared changes in exercise performance and daily ambulatory activity in peripher...
全部来源 求助全文 dx.doi.org 相似文献The Queen's Mirror: Fairy Tales by German Women, 1780-1900 (review) In lieu of an , here is a brief excerpt of the content: #include virtual="/journals/includes/copyright/mat2003_bnr.htinc" Marvels & Tales 17.1 (2003) 161-164 BEGIN TABLE ...
内容提示: Published in IET Intelligent Transport SystemsReceived on 27th March 2008Revised on 4th July 2008doi:10.1049/iet-its:20080017ISSN 1751-956XWide-angle camera technology for automotiveapplications: a reviewC. Hughes 1 M. Glavin 1 E. Jones 1 P. Denny 21 Connaught Automotive Research ...
Reference to a journal publication with an article number: Van der Geer, J., Handgraaf, T., & Lupton, R. A. (2022). The art of writing a scientific article. Heliyon, 19, Article e00205. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2022.e00205. Reference to a book: Strunk, W., Jr....
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sc.2010.00372. Reference to a journal publication with an article number: Van der Geer, J., Hanraads, J. A. J., & Lupton, R. A. (2018). The art of writing a scientific article. Heliyon, 19, Article e00205. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2018...
Determination of the number of nonoverlapping antigenic areas on Hong Kong (H3N2) influenza virus hemagglutinin with monoclonal antibodies and the selectio... Monoclonal antibodies provided evidence for at least three nonoverlapping antigenic areas on the hemagglutinin molecule of A/Mem/V71 (H3N2) ...
The inhibition of HDACs decreased the expression of the transcription factor HoxA9 and reduced the number of endothelial cells derived from different progenitor cell sources. HoxA9 regulates various typical endothelial marker proteins, which are also important for the functional activity of endothelial ...
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